A good way to insult me is to say I look darker LOL, and I have never once been mistaken for a local in Hawaii. I’m too fair-skinned and much too loud 😅 (my Cali vernacular screams tourist vibes).
Also, I should clarify that I only got drunk in Christine’s pool because she and her husband were there watching the kids. I don’t drink when I’m watching children (mostly because people never leave their kids with me).
Actual footage of me babysitting:
Convinced her to go into the pool. Yet, they go to vacation in hawaii all the time. I always wondered what pam does in hawaii. After all her posts on this trip, i thought she went there for the rainbows and fireworks lol
August 24th, 2024 | #
I think we both know she goes to Hawaii and Vegas so much bc of Dennis 😝 She doesn’t like the sun or going to the beach so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
August 24th, 2024 | #