Jesus Christ, Marie. It’s called twerking!
Thank you, Miley Cyrus, for reminding me why I canceled my cable. I regret nothing! Also, after binge-watching all five seasons of Breaking Bad on Netflix over the past two weeks, I can now get back to my regularly scheduled life, yo!

If the smog isn’t an indication that my vacay is over, I don’t know what is.
My Summer of Smoothies pinterest board won me a new Vitamix blender! I’m pretty sure that 90% of my meals will be served in liquid form now. The other 10% will still consist of pre-packaged food and takeout (you know I don’t cook). Time to get my omega swirl on!
After this weekend in SF, I should probably start with a detox smoothie…

Blackfish, beers, and the bernie with Anthony. Brandom!

I haven’t had a vacation in… what year is it now? Can’t wait to go back to San Francisco for Outside Lands next week! And okay, for Bi-Rite Creamery, too…