» death
Same Mistakes.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024


i knew it gif




My phone was blowing up with the news of One Direction’s Liam Payne’s untimely death today.

prince text

This was like when Prince died and everyone was texting me about it (except Shi, who was sending me corgi videos LOL).

So we play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we’ll be the same
But we’re making all the same mistakes

IDK if it’s because I’m on my period or because I’m a teenage girl trapped in a 42-year-old’s body, but Jesus, I got emotional listening to this 1D song 😭

The Goodest Boi.
Monday, October 7, 2024

rocky - in loving memory - dog - personalized custom keychain

Today marks five years since Rocky’s been gone. Life hasn’t been the same without you, bud 🖤

Here Today.
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

sparklers in pudding

It’s officially been a year since I checked into the hospital after the incident 😅 Life took a 180 after the pandemic, and another 180 after having the strokes, so I’ve done a complete 360 and am back to where I started 😆 So grateful to still be here today and celebrate with this chocolate vanilla swirl pudding snack (yes, I instacarted this jello, and yes, it’s sugar-free).

Sidenote: Adan Canto, who played Arman Morales on The Cleaning Lady, passed away yesterday after a private battle with cancer 💔 I don’t usually get choked up about celebrities dying (unless it’s Paul Walker, Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Anthony Bourdain, Kobe… ok, maybe I do). I can’t believe he’s gone. He was my age. Life is short. Give your loved ones a big hug today…

Au Revoir, Pee-wee.
Monday, July 31, 2023

pee-wee herman - it's not for sale francis

I used to watch Pee-wee’s Playhouse every Saturday morning when I was a kid, and I only know what the Alamo is because Pee-wee’s bike was hidden in the basement in Pee-wee’s Big Adventure LOL.

R.I.P. Paul Reubens 💔

Booty Shorts and Burritos.
Thursday, June 15, 2023


We paid our respects at Jocelyn’s mom’s viewing tonight. No one wore booty shorts (@ Glen Abbey)

Hopefully the señorita bread we brought made up for us not voting for her for homecoming queen 20-something years ago. It felt like high school all over again (I’m still hanging out with the same girls and I had a carne asada burrito for dinner LOL).

When I Die.
Saturday, May 6, 2023

chel rhea chat

We went to our cousins’ grandma’s viewing yesterday, and a) no one told me there were raisins in the empanadas (FYI I hate raisins in savory things, and I’ll tell anyone who’ll listen) b) Young the Giant will be played at my funeral and c) my browser history needs to be cleared when I die 🤣

Walking After You.
Friday, March 25, 2022


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

fb memory dog

Wow Facebook making me cry this early in the morning 💔

40 Days.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

grandma nena 40 day prayer

And on the 40th day of my grandma’s death, we wore masks and matching shirts.

mom bottle flip gif

My mom and her party tricks, ladies and gentlemen.

Rest in Paradise, Queen.
Saturday, October 24, 2020

grandma nena cuevas

grandma nena

cheers cuevas girls

cheers cuevas girls

cuevas girls

funeral doves

Lots of drinks and tears these past couple of months.

My grandma was happiest when surrounded by our loud ass family, and I’m glad we were able to be there with her during her final months (with masks on, of course).

This is my most favorite video of her ever. I know she’s dancing in heaven with Grandpa Robert and finally at peace. Rest in paradise, queen 🖤

Cupcake Girl.
Saturday, September 12, 2020

chocolate peanut butter cupcakes

I made these cupcakes once when I was dating my bestie’s brother, and their grandpa couldn’t get enough of them. I haven’t seen him in years, but his family would always tell me he still asks about the ‘cupcake girl’ even though my ex is married to someone else now. Sorry, Quinn LOL.

Sadly, their grandpa passed away this week, so I made his favorite cupcakes for my best friend and her family in memory of him.

Here’s the recipe for the greatest chocolate cupcakes and peanut butter frosting ever (according to Grandpa Oscar).

RIP Kobe.
Monday, January 27, 2020

rip kobe

BRB crying in my car.

Home for the Holidays.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

rocky - in loving memory - dog - personalized custom keychain

rocky puppy hat

The holidays aren’t the same without you, bud 💔

Monday, October 7, 2019

I miss you already, bud 💔💔💔

9/1/05 – 10/7/19

New Amsterdam.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
new amsterdam - dr. helen sharpe - millie cancer - painting nails gif
new amsterdam - dr. helen sharpe - millie cancer - painting nails gif

I used to paint my grandma’s nails when she was sick, and I came across this episode of New Amsterdam on her death anniversary today.

BRB crying.

One More Light.
Friday, July 20, 2018


Friday, June 8, 2018

rip anthony bourdain mayanrocks


Monday, January 15, 2018

If you, if you could return…

R.I.P. Dolores O’Riordan 💔

Shadow of the Day.
Saturday, October 28, 2017

linkin park - hollywood bowl - celebration of life - chester bennington

linkin park - hollywood bowl - celebration of life - chester bennington

Linkin Park & Friends (@ Hollywood Bowl)

Even though it had been years since I last saw Linkin Park in concert, I was heartbroken when I found out about Chester Bennington’s suicide.

I can remember exactly what I was doing when I first heard Hybrid Theory. Pammie and I have this game we play called Guess What Year? (it’s a working title), and I can always pinpoint the year a song came out because I’m able to tie it to life events. Like I know that Boyz II Men’s One Sweet Day came out when I was 13, because I remember crying to that song at Sharon Bernardo’s birthday party when I found out that Raymond Alcarion liked my best friend and not me. I’m totally over him now, partly because that was 22 years ago, but mostly because my name would have been “Marion Alcarion” had our love stood the test of time! Yikes.

When I was 18, my friend Nick Costa told me, “Linkin Park… Remember that name… They’re gonna be HUGE someday.” I downloaded some songs off of their EP on Napster (yes, I was 18 that long ago) and became a solid LP fan after that. I remember going to the library to chat in their forum in between classes in college. I remember listening to their CD in Sheena’s car while I practiced driving stick around Jamul. I remember how sad I was when their intimate show at Canes sold out before I could get tickets to their first tour. Linkin Park soundtracked a time in my life that I reminisce about often, and it makes me sad to think that Chester is gone now, too.

I was lucky enough to see Chester in concert a couple times in my life, and being able to go his memorial show and hearing all those songs made me feel like I was 18 again (my sore stems the next day from standing during their 3-hour set reminded me that I’m nearly twice that age). All these years later, I still remember their lyrics. Also, can we just talk about how good Mike Shinoda still looks??? Some things never change…

Watch a full stream of the show here.

Waiting for the End.
Thursday, July 20, 2017

All I want to do is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven’t got

R.I.P. Chester Bennington 💔

Euphoria Mourning.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

R.I.P. Chris Cornell 💔

When Doves Cry.
Thursday, April 21, 2016

prince text

This was like the time Paul Walker died, and everyone was texting me to make sure I wasn’t hanging from my shower rod (with the exception of Shi, of course, who was texting me corgi vids instead).

Rest in paradise, Prince! May you purify your soul in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.

Memory Jar.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

common theory public house

Gingerbread ale and memory jars (@ Common Theory Public House)

I spent my holiday vacation back home in San Diego making memories with family and old friends.

Just after Christmas, my cousin and her family were involved in a devastating house fire that took the life of her daughter and everything they owned. It has been a difficult year for my family in general, and this tragedy solidified 2015 as the worst year ever! Hopefully 2016 is kinder to us all. A friend of the family set up a GoFundMe account if you would like to make a donation to help.

My dear friend, Jay, also lost his mom over the holidays, and I met up with him and friends I haven’t seen in forever at her memorial. I love seeing these guys, because no matter how much time has passed, we can all still pick up right where we left off. The highlight of my day was when Pammie and I walked into the chapel and Jay’s brother greeted us with arms wide open and a simple, “Bitches.” Classic Rome. Jay trying to give me dating advice was a very close second. The lowlight of my day had to be when my ex-boyfriend brought his fiancé and his parents to the memorial, and all I brought was my extra holiday weight. LOL. Just kidding. (I brought my sister, too.)

My resolution this year is to be better about staying in touch with family and friends. I have a tendency to close myself off, and I’m trying to work on that. You really never know when you’re going to lose your loved ones…

This Woman’s Work.
Saturday, October 10, 2015

grandma julie nunez

When I was reading The Diary of a Young Girl in high school, I mentioned to my grandma that I wanted to visit the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Years later, she traveled to the Netherlands while visiting my aunt in Denmark and brought me back a souvenir from the museum. I couldn’t believe she remembered after all that time. My grandma was the most considerate and sentimental person I’ve ever known, and I’m grateful that she instilled her thoughtfulness in me.

She is the reason I have random notes in my phone that say, “christine garlic delight dip at del mar fair” or “anthony swagu stamp.” She taught me that even if people have everything, you don’t have to give them the world to let them know you appreciate them. You just have to remember the little things.

She is also part of the reason I have over 20k miles on my new car. I’d put a million more miles on there if I could drive down to San Diego and spend just one more day with her.

Rest in paradise, Grandma Julie. I love you more than my seemingly apathetic demeanor suggests. You know I don’t like to let them see me cry.

Monday, August 11, 2014

genie, you're free.

Coming Home.
Thursday, December 5, 2013

I can’t promise this blog won’t devolve into a Paul Walker tribute site. Fair warning.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

paul walker dead text

When my sister woke me up from my food coma to break the news of Paul Walker‘s untimely death yesterday, I thought I was dreaming. But then it became Facebook official, and everyone started texting me to make sure I wasn’t hanging from my shower rod.

On a scale of 1 to Dawson, how ugly is my cry face right now???

dawson ugly crying gif

Eternal Rest.
Saturday, December 10, 2011

church prayer candles

Greg Laswell – This Woman’s Work

Give me these moments back
Give them back to me

Just like that.
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant.
But it’s very important that you do it.
I tend to agree with the first part.
Don’t postpone what you want.
Don’t leave anything misunderstood.
Make sure the people you care about know.
Make sure they know how you really feel.
Because just like that… it could end.

Bleeding tears.
Monday, January 26, 2004

We went to my aunt’s viewing yesterday. These last few months, she had gotten so sick and so pale… but yesterday she looked SO beautiful. Chel said she was going to do her make-up, because she didn’t want them to pull some crazy shit on her face like they tend to do at the make-up counters in department stores… They did a damn good job, though. I’m glad, too, because I wouldn’t be able to put make-up on my mother for her viewing… Chel has too much to deal with right now to have to do something like that. My aunt was LOVED. There were sooo many people there… I’m not the most religious person in the world, so I usually skip out on the rosary, but I needed to be there. I was crying half the time, because Chel said a few words before the rosary that were so upsetting. She was crying while she was up there, so it just made whatever she was saying ten times sadder. I hate to see your family in so much pain, Chel. I know I keep saying this, but let me reiterate that THE GIRLS are here for anything you need…

I started spring semester today. I have three classes today with half an hour to an hour between each class… SUCKIES. What sucks even MORE is that I got out early from my first class, because the first day is usually just SYLLABUS day, so I have a few hours between my classes now… I don’t really want to go anywhere, because I just have to come back here anyway. Lame!

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