Today I went up to Snow Valley to go snowboarding with Sheenie, Chris, Arlene and Gerald for Arlene’s birthday. It’s been pouring these past few days, so we expected a lot of fresh powder. I was excited because it was nothing but manmade snow when I went boarding last year. Sheenie drove me to her house in Moreno Valley in the pouring rain at 90 mph (Safety? What’s that all about?). She is one crazy biatch! Chris, Arlene and G met us at Sheenie’s and we all rode together from there. Five gas stations, Starbucks, WalMart and two attempts at attaching chains to our tires later, we arrived at Snow Valley. There was snow EVERYWHERE and I felt like I was in a snow globe. It was so beautiful. I wish Edgar was there to see it. It started raining… Then it started snowing… Then it started HAILING mini ice balls of death! Those b*tches hurt! It didn’t stop hailing the entire time we were up there. We got there close to one in the afternoon and the resort closed at four. We only had a couple hours to snowboard and we found out that they closed everything but the bunny lifts because of the strong winds and hail. We didn’t think it was worth paying $50 to ride the bunny lifts for a couple hours. Plus I still had to rent boots and a board since Edgar’s boots were too big for me, but just small enough for Sheenie’s sasquatch ass. LOL. My feet were soaked through because I was wearing my slip on vans while everyone else had boots on. We had a snowball fight instead. Afterwards, we stopped in Moreno Valley to eat at Olive Garden and go to Sheenie’s before heading home around five in the afternoon. Chris, Arlene and G went home soon after we got to Sheenie’s house, but I fell asleep on her couch and Sheenie fell asleep in her room. We left around nine o’clock and stopped at JT’s bar in San Diego to see Brad before going home. Even though nothing went as planned today and we weren’t able to go snowboarding, we all had SO much fun. I can’t wait till Edgar comes home (one more week!) so we can attempt to go snowboarding again.
I’m convinced my father spends hours on end thinking of different reasons to yell at me. If it’s not one thing, it’s another… It’s like he’s looking for ways to bring me down. The day that I no longer live under the same roof as him should be a national fucking holiday. I know this is the billionth time I’m venting about my dad on this thing. I should probably take the $9 a month I pay for my website to be hosted and put that towards seeing a therapist to reverse the years of damage my dad has surely caused in my life… I don’t really know anyone who has an ideal relationship with their father. Why should I be any different?
Anyway, I went upstairs to change into my pajamas and saw a package on my bed. I didn’t recognize the return address, but decided to risk anthrax poisoning and homemade mail bombs (could this day really get any worse?) and open it. It was a purple iPod skin! I checked the invoice and saw that Edgar ordered it online and had it delivered to my house. Awwww. Even from 7,000 miles away he can make me smile…
I haven’t blogged in a while, but not much has changed since my last post. I’ve been working like crazy trying to keep busy while I have no class and no Edgar. Christmas is finally over, and I had a pretty good time with my family this year. All of my crazy ass relatives and Chipset came over on Christmas. The boys got ROLLED by my cousin, Randy! Sorry, he’s a poolhall junkie AND a poker hustler =/ $230 is a shitload to win at a HOME game, boys… Good thing I didn’t try to get in on that. I’m dead money! Anyway, I got some damn good gifts! Jed gave me a $50 gift card that I can use to buy the Gilmore Girls Complete Season Two DVD (yeah, baby!). Jay gave me the Rooney DVD and an FM transmitter for the iPod my sister gave me. The other gifts were mostly monetary with the occasional Victoria’s Secret or Bath & Body Works gift set here and there (I ♥ girly stuff like that)… but the BEST gift was Chel’s lacquered mosaic tile creation of our original watermelon pose (complete with her sweatband and my fiesta print shirt with matching shorts). I ♥ handmade gifts! I ♥ store bought gifts, too, so keep that in mind when my birthday comes along in a couple weeks 😉 I’m pretty sure that Meehchelle and I are gonna have a joint birthday extravaganza. It isn’t set in stone or anything, but when was the last time we had a PARTY for our birthdays? We didn’t even go to Vegas or anything this year (okay, Meehchelle is going to Vegas for New Year’s, but I’m not!). We can probably have a little something at her house, since she has her own place and her neighbors aren’t nazis and her street isn’t redzoned (damn my neighborhood!). Just leave the night of the 15th open in case this extravanganza happens. If not, we can at least go to DINNER or something to celebrate our oldness. Haha… so Edgar comes home in ten days (segue isn’t really my thing). He called me on Christmas, and I hadn’t talked to him since he left a few weeks ago and I wasn’t expecting him to call me at all while he was away, so I was pretty shocked to hear his voice on the phone. I even cried. I was just really happy to hear from him. We talked about how I saw him in the audience on MTB on TFC (I’ve got it on tape for anyone who wants a peep at his fobulousness!) and how all my relatives kept asking me why he wasn’t at my house and then after a couple minutes, he got cut off because his prepaid card ran out. I talk to him online when he’s in Manila and he texts me every day otherwise, so it’s not like the other times where he would be gone for a month and I wouldn’t get a phone call or a smoke signal or even a fruit basket. He said he sent me a postcard, but it’ll probably get here after he comes home from the Philippines haha. Ahh, I miss that buttface.
I actually got to SLEEP IN today 🙂 No waking up butt-early at five in the morning to make caramel macchiatos or to sit in traffic for an hour on the 805 on my way to slang candles in La Jolla. I actually WAKE UP at five in the morning for work sometimes. Skokie was like, “This is the NEW Marion!” Haha. Because you know I normally have trouble waking up before NOON. I have to set three alarms to get up, but still. Five in the morning… I mean, REALLY. Who is UP at that ungodly hour? I still fall asleep in the AM hours when I have work at six in the morning, though. I just need a couple doppio espressos to get me through my shift… Anyway, Edgar’s in the Philippines now, and I haven’t really felt it yet. This is the third time he has gone to P.I. since I’ve been with him, so I guess I’m used to it now. We’re nearing six years, so it’s not like we’re in that puppy stage where I’ll cry if I’m away from him for more than two seconds. I just find myself saying, “Oh, Edgar would have liked (insert random item here),” but I always say stuff like that when I’m not with him. Yesterday, I hung out with Jay and ate and went shopping. He bought Z-Trip’s live album (Jay, Edgar and I watched him at the Scratch Tour earlier this year) and we were listening to it in the car. It reminded me of Edgar. He loves hip hop music (the REAL kind). I’m more of an acoustic, rock, alternative girl myself, but am open to some good hip hop to get my booty shakin. A few days ago, Edgar, Pammie, Jay, and I went to Hollywood to see an acoustic benefit show at The Roxy… what an awesome, intimate venue. Rooney unexpectedly didn’t perform (boo!), and Jason Mraz wasn’t on till the end of the show, so we just walked around Sunset Boulevard. We mocked toys at Hustler and ate at the infamous Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles (who knew chicken and waffles would be such a yummy combo?). I fell in love with two new bands, The Like (an all-female, darker version of The Cardigans) and The Speechwriters (two Jason Mraz’s for the price of one band). Thanks for letting us crash at your pizzad fo shizzad, Pammie! Tonight, I’m going to Jay’s house for his annual my-parents-went-to-a-college-reunion-out-of-town-so-i’m throwing-a-party party. I baked some yummy brownies. They’re probably gonna play poker, but the last time I played, I lost all of Edgar’s money to LYNEEZY, so I think I’ll just stuff my face with Jerome’s ribs and Jay’s pork chops and chill instead. If you don’t have any plans tonight, you should come and eat and get your ass rolled 😉
OMG today I went to Sycuan BY MYSELF and lost $80 playing The Price Is Right. WTF? I’m effin crazy. First I lost $40 so I put in another $20 and won $150… Then I kept playing because money makes you greedy and lost it ALL… so I put in another $20 to try and win it back LOL. WTF was I thinking? I’m never going to the casino by myself again. Damn you, Bob Barker! *shakes fist* Friday morning, I’m going to the poker tournament there with all of Chipset (sans Pammie), but Edgar’s gonna hold my ATM card so I don’t lose my paycheck. I didn’t make all those mocha lattes for nothing! Shooot.
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Item: ARCO PumpPASS prepaid gas card …because I work far as hell and gas ain’t cheap in San Diego! |
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Item: Target Gift Card …for everyday necessities |
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Item: Jamba Juice Gift Card Price: any denomination Location(s): or actual store …because it’s healthy and YUMMY! |
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Item: Simon Gift Card Price: any denomination Location(s): or Fashion Valley Mall …because I’m indecisive |
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Item: Westfield Gift Card Price: any denomination Location(s): or any Westfield mall (UTC, Parkway Plaza, Mission Valley, Plaza Bonita) …because I’m indecisive |
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Item: Urban Outfitters Gift Card Price: any denomination Location(s): (free shipping) or Urban Outfitters store …because I want too many things from this store |
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Item: Subscription to Cosmopolitan Magazine Price: $18.00 Location(s): …because I want to know 55 things I can learn about a guy in ten minutes |
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Item: Price: $19.00 Location(s): …because I’m crafty |
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Item: Price: $41.99 Location(s): (free shipping) …because I’m obsessed with this show and naming my first born or dog, "Rory" (whichever comes first) |
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Item: The OC: The Complete First Season DVD Price: $48.99 Location(s): (free shipping) …because this is how we do it in the OC, biatch! |
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Item: One Tree Hill: The Complete First Season DVD …because Chad Michael Murray is YUMMY. |
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Item: Friends – The Complete First Eight Seasons DVD 8-pack Price: $235.99 Location(s): (free shipping) …because they make me laugh till I pee in my panties |
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Item: Sex and the City: The Complete Series (Seasons 1-6) DVD Price: $229.99 Location(s): (free shipping) or Best Buy …because I don’t have HBO and am reduced to watching the censored episodes on TBS |
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Item: Incubus: Alive at Red Rocks DVD Price: $14.39 Location(s): Best Buy …because their music is amazing |
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Item: Price: $19.95 Location(s): or Urban Outfitters store …because I watched this movie a million times in the 80s |
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Item: Price: $39.88 Location(s): WalMart …because I’m impatient and hate waiting for film to develop |
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Item: Price: $21.84 Location(s): WalMart …because I’m too cheap to pay $1 per photo! Ha. |
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Item: Bose SoundDock Digital Music System for iPod Price: $299.00 Location(s): (free shipping), (free shipping until 1/8/05), The Apple Store and most electronics retailers …because I want to bump old school slow jams in my room like Charlene |
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Item: Melie Bianco Convertible Ring Bag (white) Price: $45 Location(s): Veronica M in Pacific Beach (SD) or Laguna Beach (OC) and other retailers that carry Melie Bianco …because I have this bag in black and I need it in white! Plus LC has |
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Item: Hawaiian Sunset Wall Mural Price: $120.00 Location(s): or Urban Outfitters store …because it’s beautiful… and because I need to cover the rips in my walls from using permanent double-sided adhesive to stick my Leonardo DiCaprio posters on my wall back in the day. |
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Item: Dish Chair (black) Price: $120.00 Location(s): or Urban Outfitters store …because I bought one for my sister and she finally took it from my |
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Item: ANYTHING by Kurt Halsey (posters, buttons, etc.) Price: $5-$45 Location(s): …because I feel his pain |
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Item: Price: $20.00 Location(s): Costco has a giftset that comes with a COOL Chambord shaker for the same price as just the bottle without the shaker at the grocery store …because it’s my favorite drink |
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Item: True Blue Spa Beauty Booties Moisturizing Gel Socks Price: $38 Location(s): Bath and Body Works …because I’m on my feet for eight hours everyday at two jobs |
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Item: Price: $38 Location(s): Bath and Body Works …because I have callouses from my gymnast phase in elementary school |
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Item: Victoria’s Secret lotion, shower gel, splash and body scrub (in Sweet Temptation or Love Spell) Price: $8-$9.50, 3 for $23, 5 for $30 Location(s): Victoria’s Secret …because I like to smell delicious |
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Item: MOR Passionfruit Hot Salt Scrub Price: $25 Location(s): Sephora …because I like smooth skin and passionfruit is the best scent EVER |
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Item: Price: $49.99 Location(s): Bed, Bath and Beyond …because I’m on my feet for eight hours everyday at two jobs |
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Item: Earth Therapeutics® Soft-Soles™ Gel Booties Price: $19.99 Location(s): Bed, Bath and Beyond …because I’m on my feet for eight hours everyday at two jobs |
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Item: Earth Therapeutics® Soft-Hands™ Gel Gloves Price: $19.99 Location(s): Bed, Bath and Beyond …because I have callouses from my gymnast phase in elementary school |
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Item: Classic Terry Robe Price: $79.99 Location(s): Pottery Barn …because I fall asleep naked on my bed after taking hot showers… and Edgar, Jay, Errol and Julian work at PB so they can hook it up with the 40% discount! |