…or me waiting outside for my March and Ash delivery, even though weed is legal in California, and I’m pretty sure my sister’s neighbor is a drug lord (who else buys a million dollar home and only lives in it part-time because he has a “job” that keeps him in Mexico most of the year? 😅).
If you’re not binging Bridgerton, then I don’t know what you’re doing with your life. Make haste, y’all!
…or what I tell myself when I have to work on the weekend and they forget the organic goji berries on the $20 acai bowl I just postmated.
…or me when I found out that Taco Bell is getting rid of my beloved shredded chicken burrito (and more!) *cries in spanish*
Actual footage of me picking up my food order during the Game of Thrones finale.
After setting up my projector and ordering food, I got in my car and realized my battery was dead. I must’ve left the dome light on Friday night when I was looking for that mango hi-chew that fell into the abyss.
The food was already paid for, so I had to take a lyft there and back to get it. Luckily, both of my drivers were more concerned about the rain in LA than the GoT finale. I called AAA when I got home, and the dude took an hour and a half to get to my apartment. Once he jump started my car, he told me that I should keep it running for another half hour! I got back home around 10pm after driving aimlessly in the rain and finally queued up the episode.
As it turns out, I didn’t need to partake in a social media blackout to avoid spoilers that night, because my entire evening leading up to the finale was more exciting than the finale itself!
Loved, loved, loved this film. Rami Malek deserves all the awards! What I would’ve given to see Queen live ⚡💔
This movie gave me so many feels, partly because of my obvious love for teenage rom-coms, but mostly because I got major flashbacks of that one time in the fifth grade when David Krzywicki found a note I had written about how cute he was. My outcome wasn’t nearly as good as Lara Jean’s! Ha. Only in the movies, I guess…
You guys, my glasses just fogged up in the Whole Foods parking lot.
Could it be any more humid???
BRB binging in bed ✌🏼
A simple thank you will suffice!
Actual footage of me waking up for work today after being on vacation for two weeks. Yikes!
…or me in exactly two months. Austin City Limits, here I come!
What else should I add to my ACL to-do list???
Well, I’d say I’ve successfully fulfilled my nostalgia quota for the week year.
This trip down memory lane ended at my old friend/ex-love’s 30th birthday party last night. It’s strange to see someone you’ve spent so much of your life with and feel nothing… And to think of someone else you didn’t spend nearly enough time with and feel everything.