Even if you’ve never been in Shi’s bedroom closet where she keeps that photo of herself aboard the starship enterprise, it’s no secret that she’s all about sci-fi and space and the universe. I watched my first meteor shower with her (and regrettably ditched her for a boy during the second one!). She’s gifted me crystals to harness the universe’s energy, and she’s the reason my amazon prime account thinks the complete boxed DVD set of Battlestar Galactica would be of interest to me.
Pammie and I knew that The Night Sky from the day Shi got engaged would be the perfect gift for our favorite galactigeek. Just one more week till Shi’s big day!
What, you don’t have a fireplace in your office??? (@ SKX Advertising)
I need one of these in my apartment! It snowed in LA today, and I’m in bed under a korean blanket wearing two pairs of pants (that’s two more than I usually wear!).
It rained all weekend, so I stayed in and Marie Kondo’d the shit out of my apartment. 48 hours and 9 trash bags later, I have to admit, I feel a little joy (and a lot of exhaustion). Good thing I still have two mattresses to sleep on…
I bought Marie Kondo’s book three years ago. I never read it, and it just added to my clutter! The irony isn’t lost on me. She’s got that netflix show now, but I’m still going to keep it (The Lover’s Dictionary and Tacopedia can’t be the only two books I have in my apartment, guys).
I always say I’m going to re-gift this one day, but let’s be real.
Does Bed, Bath & Beyond take expired coupons from seven years ago? I’ll check on yahoo answers before tossing these. I’m sure someone has weighed in.
Anyone into small mexican things??? Yeah, me either LOL. Toss!
I found this massage gift certificate the girls gave me for my birthday nine years ago! I’m gonna need it after all this decluttering.