Thursday, December 31, 2009
It took six friends and five days to put one year into twelve boxes and fourteen trash bags. Thanks a heap to Pammie, Shi, Flex, Errol, Jay, Frank and Will for helping me move in the rain! Rest in peace, my beautiful bookcase. I’m sorry you were damaged beyond repair when we tried to squeeze you into my freakishly small storage space.
NOTE TO SELF: Pizza and beer AFTER my friends move my things next time. And not during the Holiday Bowl. And not on the one day it rains. And maybe invest in some furniture pads. “Protection? She don’t know nothin’ about that!” Haha. Boo whore.

A lot of shit went down in this place. Attention must be paid.
– Sex and the City: The Movie
Oh, I paid 😉 As Shi said, if these walls could talk, we’d pay good money to shut them up!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Since Pammie went back up to the OC, there’s no one here to shout, “Eye on the prize, Mayan! Eye on the prize!” and keep me focused on packing up my apartment. Shi came over to help me pack, but we ended up going out for pho and watching Sex and the City: The Movie on HBO for the eleventh time instead. I’ve decided to further postpone my packing and fit one final blog in from Parkway Drive.
I’ve been living alone for a year now, and these are the things I’ve learned:
- Dishes don’t clean themselves.
- Neither do toilets.
- I hate living above the pool.
- I love living above the laundry room.
- Only shop at Costco for non-perishables. Toilet paper. Bottled water. Red Vines. Even if you think you can eat twelve apples before they spoil, you can’t.
- Having no air conditioning in the summer will make you want to punch a baby.
- The library has free air conditioning. And free wi-fi.
- Sheer white curtains in the bedroom are no bueno if you like sleeping past sunrise.
- It’s possible to kill a cactus.
- You can lose a boyfriend, an eye, and/or five hours of your life over the assembly of Ikea furniture.
- I love having my friends over.
- I hate cleaning up after them.
- I love walking around in my chones after all my friends have gone home.
- Two boxes of cotton swabs will last you an entire year. Spend the few extra dollars for Q-tips®. Your ears will thank you.
- Sometimes you have to sacrifice your $20 salon shampoo for HBO and Cinemax.
- Premium cable, phone and internet costs me $150 a month. Don’t take it for granted if you’re getting it for free at your mom’s house.
- Don’t get shanghai’d into getting a newspaper subscription, even if it’s for your local little league. You will end up having to dispose of 84 unopened newspapers hiding in your linen closet when it’s time to move out.
- Spending a few hundred dollars on luxury bedding is totally worth it.
- Just because you live alone and can have strange men over at all hours of the night doesn’t mean you should.
- I still lock the bathroom door behind me when I shower, even if I’m alone.
- I watch too much Criminal Minds and CSI by myself.
- Don’t regret never making friends with your shirtless neighbor who’s always grilling steaks by the pool. I know I do.
- Spare keys to your apartment should be given out sparingly.
- I hate packing and moving more than I hate my ex. And that’s saying something.
- Save a little money from each paycheck. That way, if your boss unexpectedly gives you the week after Christmas off unpaid, you won’t be forced to pack up your overpriced apartment and move your things into storage while you look for a cheaper place to live—Not that I would know anything about that.
Monday, December 28, 2009
I forgot how much I loved this song until I heard it again watching Ray and Chubbs play Guitar Hero World Tour. Enjoy.
Coldplay – “Shiver”
From the moment I wake to the moment I sleep
I’ll be there by your side just you try and stop me
I’ll be waiting in line just to see if you care
Oh, did you want me to change?
Well, I changed for good
And I want you to know that you’ll always get your way
I wanted to say…
Don’t you shiver?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
I’m moving out of my apartment and abandoning my clear obsession with espresso furniture. Anyone interested in buying some of it? Everything comes fully assembled, if that helps sway your decision at all—I’ve known couples who have almost broken up over the assembly of furniture. Just sayin’.

LoveSac MovieSac with Espresso Plush MicroSuede Cover
- Price: $200 (retails for over $600)
- Condition: Like new. No curious stains, rips, or smells. Smoke-free home.
- Diameter: 5 ‘
- Weight: 45 lbs
- Features: MovieSacs are big enough for two, yet small enough for most rooms. Whether you cry alone to chick flicks while eating bonbons, or cuddle up with your honey, sharing pillows and popcorn, you’ll be glad it comes with a removable, washable cover to protect against any mid-movie messes. These Sacs are easy to handle, easy to move, easy to take to the drive-in, and easy to clean up when finished. Unfortunately, the only thing about the MovieSac that is not easy is deciding who you will share it with. The MovieSac is for movie-lovers.

Espresso Desk and Chair SOLD!
- Price: $60 (retails for $100)
- Condition: Like new
- Dimensions: 47.4 x 19.5 x 30.2 H ” (desk)
- Weight: 60 lbs

Espresso Dresser SOLD!
- Price: $100 (retails for $190)
- Condition: Like new
- Features: Extra roomy, smooth-running drawers with pull-out stop
- Dimensions: Width: 63 ” / Depth: 18 7/8 ” / Height: 30 3/4 “
- Weight: 146 lbs

Fabric Triptych Wall Art
- Price: $20
- Condition: Like new
- Features: Fabric was cut and hand-stretched over wooden frames
- Dimensions: Each panel is 20 x 20 x 3/4 “
Friday, December 25, 2009

SpongeBob SquarePants – “Don’t be a Jerk (It’s Christmas)”
Don’t be a jerk, it’s Christmas!
When others are talking, never interrupt
Don’t put people down or leave the toilet seat up
It’s the time for family and holly and turkey
‘Tis the season to be jolly, not jerky
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I made chocolate peanut butter cupcakes for Kristin’s birthday last night. It took me three trips to the grocery store—I don’t know where my head’s been lately. I had too much vodka fun at her birthday party. It’s a good thing my coworkers were too distracted by the leftover cupcakes I brought them to notice all that fun seeping through my pores this morning.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shi: How do you like your eggs?
mayanrocks: in a poke
Shi: Of course you do!
mayanrocks: egg in a poke is an egg fried in the middle of bread, cochina
Shi: I thought it was something else… Everything’s always gotta be nasty with you!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy 29th birthday, Pammie! No one looks out for me like you do. If anyone ruined your birthday, I would ruin their life. I’m glad you loved our birthday surprise!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Things just keep going. We didn’t talk about anything heavy or light. We were just there together. And that was enough.
– The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Il Postino and I dated on and off until he broke my heart last winter. He didn’t talk to me for eight months afterwards. He brought a new girl home for Thanksgiving. And the past two times he has contacted me, she just happened to be out of town.
But when I’m with him, I can’t seem to remember any of that.
He took me to see the meteor shower late last night. He picked me up at my apartment and we carried on as if those gaps between our visits didn’t exist. We got to the beach and were literally the only ones there. Maybe the weekend rain had scared everyone off. We lay the blanket on the sand under a patch of sky that wasn’t covered in clouds and waited… I was cozy in his jacket and gloves, with my head resting on his pillow. Michael Jackson songs played on his iPhone while we talked about the movies we had last seen—something we always used to do together. He told me I would like “Leap Year.” I overlooked that he had seen all of these movies with someone else. He said he would be satisfied if he saw twenty-six shooting stars and asked me how much I’d be happy with. I told him that I couldn’t think of a number, but I would just know when the time came. Being there with him was enough for me. I counted thirteen shooting stars and made a handful of wishes before we left. It started raining on the drive home. We both had work in the morning. I didn’t expect him to stay, but he stayed. I noticed that he always sleeps on the right side of the bed. He reached for my hand and closed his fingers over mine. I asked him if he was seeing anyone. He said that he wasn’t. That they were just friends. That they were never a couple. I wanted to believe him. We talked about why I was moving. We talked about his family. He said that his youngest sister has been mad at him since he moved out. I told him that she just misses him. I fell asleep to the rise and fall of his chest as he slept. He stayed with me till morning. And then he left.
If he wanted to be with me right now, he would be with me. I can’t keep putting my life on hold every time he decides to make a cameo. His appearances aren’t without expectations, and I find myself searching for hidden meanings behind his every word and action. I think he doesn’t want to lose me… but he doesn’t want to keep me, either.
Rihanna – “Stupid in Love”
They’re telling me let go
He is not the one
I thought I saw your potential
Guess that’s what made me dumb
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Just had the last Waffle Wednesday of the year at mi casa. Good food and good friends. Until next year!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cinematic Orchestra – To Build A Home
‘Cause I built a home for you, for me
Until it disappeared from me, from you
(image via weheartit)