10:31 AM | Jesse: you smell cigs? |
me: not over here | |
just my own sweet aroma | |
10:32 AM | Jesse: close your legs |
The only way this kid could be any cuter is if I had somehow gotten involved 😉
I finally got to meet my new best friend today! I was planning on visiting him yesterday, but my mom got sick and was rushed to the hospital. She’s still there and not doing any better, so I hope you all send some good juju our way…
…and so he was.
Welcome to the world, Baby Darien! ♥
Around this time last year, I was at Chel’s bachelorette party getting tequila licked off my chest, and today she’s a new mommy. Life moves so quickly around here.
Come over here with your heart
And I will love your heart with mine
I don’t know what a plage is, but I want to go to there.
Drinks at The Waterfront with Christine, Jessie & Christian
+ more wine with Christine at Christian’s
= me waking up face down on my bathroom floor
Or… Sunday morning as I like to call it.
Clouds part
Just to give us a little sun
There’s a limit to your love
A Fine Frenzy – Ashes & Wine
[audio:http://www.mayanrocks.com/blog/A Fine Frenzy – Ashes And Wine.mp3]
Is there a chance
A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel
A reason to fight
I received Belle’s thank you card in the mail today for my baby shower gift, and she said the Miles print I made for their baby room was her “absolute fave gift of all.”
I’m not gonna lie… my gift was pretty fucking sweet.

After hours of sunshine and margaritas at the SD Oyster Fest on Saturday, Jessie and I continued the party at Las Hadas, El Camino and Starlite with Christine and Sher.
Day drinking always sounds like a good idea until it’s past midnight and you’re still drinking.

I had 21 missed text messages on my phone when I woke up yesterday! At least it’s not as bad as the 42 voicemails I once had on my answering machine.
What can I say, I’m a popular girl.
Christine and Jessie asked me to design this running shirt for their summer training program, and this is the first of hopefully many in a series:
Coincidentally, these are also my reasons for waking up in the morning.
The San Diego County Del Mar Fair is back in town!
The girls and I enjoyed some bacon donuts and Bruno Mars before heading back down to see Mayer Hawthorne spin at El Camino (where Jessie got me drunk enough to rap about ass and titties).

I don’t know what I love more—that Shi thought The Script was a font and not a band, or that my friends all know about my love affair with typography.
Happy birthday, Skokie!
Since Arlene is vacationing in Cabo this week, I thought I’d be able to take a vacation from working out. Apparently, I was wrong. Thanks Shi and Christine for keeping me motivated and making me run up and down this damn mountain! The view from the top was worth it.
Quote of the day:
Maybe we shouldn’t be making decisions to do things like this when we’ve been drinking for 5 hours prior.
Bring your face closer to mine.
After an exhausting day of marathon running and sign holding, Jessie, Christine, and I hit up FM 94/9‘s Independence Jam in Oceanside and enjoyed some music and beer at the beach!
Band of Skulls – Light of the Morning
[audio:http://www.mayanrocks.com/blog/Band of Skulls – Light of the Morning.mp3]
This message from Christine made it worth getting up butt early on a Sunday to support my friends at the Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon:
Thank you sooooooo much for coming out! I love love loved the sign! I seriously was about to start crying afterwards! It made such a difference in the race today just to see you out there. You seriously helped me through it, I saw you right when I was exhausted and in pain and was like, “I can’t stop running, Mayan woke up early and got out here before she even normally goes to work!”
I’m so proud of you guys!
BRB dying.