LA rain + Local Natives.
At home, at weekends or whatever, it wells up and I can’t handle it. But most of the time I can just about handle it, you sort of have to get through the day.
I wanted to tell you all my secrets, but you became one of them instead.
There’s a cafe in Los Feliz that has a table with drawers full of secrets inside. I didn’t leave one of my own tonight, partly because neither of us had a pen, but mostly because I was afraid someone I knew would find my note and recognize my impeccable penmanship.
FILE UNDER: Reasons why we’re single.
I love being on top of you.

Because donuts. And dat ass.
Lit (@ LACMA)
I’m eating my feelings, and they taste delicious.

…or what I get for answering Anthony’s phone call after ignoring him for two months. When I moved to LA, he used to call me every Sunday to see how I was doing. This was like eight Sundays worth of conversations!
One of my randoms who I haven’t seen or responded to in five years hit me up late last night. Who does that??? Please just forget about me, just like you seem to have forgotten that you have a girlfriend and babies at home.
I’m so sick of these fucks.
Where the churros at???
…or me after my annual review this week!
A generous raise plus a bonus big enough to pay off my credit card debt? YES, PLEASE. Money can’t buy me love, but it can buy that $500 bedding set I’ve been eyeballing at Anthropologie. And sometimes that’s enough to keep me warm at night.

Young the Giant – Paralysis
And lately I’ve been thinking
I’m not feeling anything at all
Will I survive in the dead of night?
And now the lights are fading faster
Save me from my disaster
Trader Joe’s tissue, you my only friend.
Perhaps, somewhere, some day, at a less miserable time, we may see each other again.
I’m like that. Either I forget right away or I never forget.