» Feature: Oh So Beautiful Paper
Feature: Oh So Beautiful Paper
Posted on March 31st, 2010 in design, feature, weddings

Oh So Beautiful Paper featured the wedding invitations I designed for Chel on their website. No big deal 😉 I couldn’t be happier if they were invitations to my own wedding! Actually, let’s not get carried away now…

Raechel and Alex’s DIY wedding invitations are all about two of my favorite things – music and kraft paper! Raechel worked with her cousin Marion to design the invitations, incorporating Raechel and Alex’s shared love of music throughout the wedding stationery while using a typewriter font and copper brads for a slight vintage vibe:

vintage custom wedding invitation

vintage custom wedding invitation

vintage custom wedding invitation

Check out the rest of the feature here and additional work in my portfolio.


  1. shi was all like...

    it’s insane how good you are, love!! i wouldnt be able to do any of that on paint =) hahhahha!

    April 1st, 2010 | #

  2. Sara was all like...

    I’ve tried printing on those manila tags, but I can’t seem to get my printer to do what I want. How did you do them? Please don’t tell me you individually typed them (I’ll cry). They’re lovely!!

    April 1st, 2010 | #

  3. mayan was all like...

    @shi: thanks, babe! please stop using ms paint. it hurts me.
    @sara: the bride-to-be made the rsvp’s 🙂 i know she used her canon ip3600 printer to print the manila tags.

    April 4th, 2010 | #

  4. Chel was all like...

    @ Sara: I printed them in batches of 10. I can send you the file if you’d like so you can use them as a template.

    April 5th, 2010 | #

  5. mayanrocks » Featured: DIY Bride was all like...

    […] is the fifth website that has featured the wedding invitations I designed for Chel 🙂 Yay us! 1 Comment « Motivation. « […]

    May 14th, 2010 | #

  6. Janel was all like...

    These are beautiful! What size paper doilies did you use on the programs?

    January 16th, 2011 | #

  7. Audra was all like...

    I love these. do you still have the template?

    January 19th, 2012 | #

  8. Brogan was all like...

    i am in absolute LOVE with these invitations.

    how can i get a quote for them to be re-made for my July 2012 wedding?!??

    Please email me with your response. I would be forever grateful.


    February 21st, 2012 | #

  9. Misti was all like...

    can i please get the template for this as well please?!! So perfect-great work!

    February 23rd, 2012 | #

  10. Nicki Strino was all like...

    please can i also get a template of these invitations i love them.


    April 16th, 2012 | #

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