Arlene’s 7-year-old daughter, Gisella, made me a Valentine’s Day card at school because she knew I didn’t have a Valentine this year. Thanks for the reminder, kid! Haha. I love that little munchkin. I would pin her card up in my cube at work, but it’d be overshadowed by Belle’s gaggle of heart-shaped balloons!
When I came into work on Friday, they told all the employees we were going to have a mandatory meeting at noon. Jesse and I went crazy trying to figure out what sparked this unexpected meeting—Were they laying people off? Did they find out that Jesse drank that unclaimed Red Bull in the fridge? Are my yoga pants too casual for Casual Friday???
Four hours later, I found out that my stomach fell out of my butt for nothing. They surprised us with a 30-minute break from work to play Taboo: Marketing vs. Customer Service!
Krystal: It’s something you might eat for breakfast
Me: Pancakes. French toast. Eggs. A biscuit!
Krystal: It’s fluffier.
Me: What’s fluffier than a biscuit???
We won (even though I couldn’t think of anything fluffier than a biscuit), so the customer service department has to make us coffee every day next week!
My annual review was amazeballs, my boss ordered me a 27″ cinema display to show her appreciation, and our marketing team smoked customer service in Taboo. Work was def good to me this week.
This was me planning my exit strategy out of bed this morning.
Prince Erik: People in love don’t try to kill each other.
Nikita: Are you serious?

When Arlene told me that we were going to do the “Spartacus” workout tonight, I expected there to be blood and sand.
This was worse.
You heard of Lago de Luz? At night, the algae lights up… looks like millions of fireflies trapped just underneath the water… flapping their wings, trying to break free. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen. Beautiful.
I want to go to there.
Ellen: [About him and Michelle Williams] I like you individually, I like you as a couple, I don’t know if you guys are a couple, you’re being cagey about it, I know that. If you’re a couple I’m all for it. Wait, you’re pedaling faster, what’s happening?
Ryan: I’m trying to get away from this conversation.
Shirley: You don’t have a bag?
Jeff: I could never deprive the world of the portion of my chest the strap would cover.
Fuck, I love me some Joel McHale ♥
I’ve been winning tons of stuff lately… an autographed CD from Meaghan Smith, Konami’s Glee Karaoke Revolution Wii game, that pizza eating contest at Marechiaro’s… (is it a contest if I’m the only one participating?)
Last week, I won tickets for Day 10 of The Ellen DeGeneres Show’s 12 Days of Giveaways! Pammie was the one who signed me up in the first place, so I took her with me to the taping in LA. It was one of the best days of my life, and I’m not lying like I usually am when I say that.
We laughed at Ellen’s jokes, drooled over Mark Wahlberg, listened to Olivia Wilde talk about Tron, danced with Ciara as she performed her new single, and screamed as Ellen unveiled all the gifts we were going home with:
- Amazon Denim Shop Gift Card, $100
- PlayStation 3 320GB System and Sports Champion Move Bundle, $399.99
- Rock Band 3, $59.99
- Rock Band 3 Wireless Keyboard, $79.99
- Plantronics Voyager PRO PLUS Bluetooth Headset, $99.99
- TomTom GPS Go 2405TM with Lifetime Traffic & Maps, $299.95
- Basic Instinct by Ciara, $11.98
- Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi, $25.99
- Kindle Wireless Reading Device, $139.00
- Panasonic TA-1 Ultrathin HD Pocket Camcorder, $169.95
- Calphalon Unison Nonstick 8-Piece Cookware Set, $499.99
- Calphalon No Peek Waffle Maker, $99.99
Whoever said that material things can’t fill the void in your life has never been given $500 worth of Calphalon Cookware, obvi.
Zooey & Conan & Christmas ♥
I died when I watched this scene. DIED!
Nothing in this universe happens just once. Infinity goes in both directions. There is no unique event, no singular moment. It means you will get another chance.
Glee Cast – The Only Exception (Paramore Cover)
[audio: Cast – The Only Exception.mp3]
I’ve got a tight grip on reality
But I can’t let go of what’s in front of me here
I know you’re leaving in the morning when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it’s not a dream
One of my favorite songs covered by one of my favorite TV shows ♥

Love this show!
Pammie and I were given free tickets to Comic-Con on Sunday. I knew I was out of place when I looked up at the big screen and thought out loud, "What movie is this?" and some dude looked at me like I was crazy and said, "It’s Return of the Jedi!" I’m pretty sure I was the only one within a 10-mile radius who hadn’t seen a single Star Wars movie.
While I was at the Iron Man booth, Pammie ran up to me and said, "Guess who’s here?!?!?" And I was like, "Robert Downey Jr?!?" And she was like, "Kevin from the Jabbawockeez!" I mean…!
As we waited in line for the panels, the girl with the Fringe tote in front of us said, "Too bad you guys got the sucky Vampire Diaries themed tote bags!" Um. We totally traded a small child and an old man our original Batman bags for these “sucky” Vampire Diaries bags! LOL.
We missed the Glee panel, but we were able to get into Sons of Anarchy. OH. MY. JAX. He is officially in my Freebie Five!
We all played a round of Catch Phrase at Anthony’s before the movie last night. When it was my sister’s fiance’s turn, the clue that he gave us was, “This is what I am.” He’s a big guy, so people were like, ummm… ummm… and I turned to Anthony and was like, “OMG. Nobody wants to say it!” and Anthony blurts out, “One of a kind!” LOL.
It reminded me of this hilarious South Park episode, With Apologies to Jesse Jackson:
Pat Sajak: The category is People Who Annoy You.
Randy: Uh… Well, uh…
Pat Sajak: Ten seconds, Mr. Marsh.
Randy: I know it but I don’t think I should say it.
Pat Sajak: Five seconds, Mr. Marsh.
Randy: Oh all right uh, I’d like to solve the puzzle! Niggers!
Stan: Oooo.
Randy: Oh naggers. Of course, naggers. Right.
Pat Sajak: Uhh, can we cut to a… Can we cut to a…

Pammie and I stayed home the entire weekend and watched a Vampire Diaries marathon. It was glorious.
(This is why I’m single.)
You guys are so obsessed with sports, you wear jerseys for teams you’re not even on. But you think you’re on the team, you’ll be like, “Yeah, last night we just didn’t score enough. We just didn’t play enough defense.” We? The Lakers don’t need you. That’s like me watching Grey’s Anatomy in scrubs, but then after the show is over, being like, “Man, we just could not save that guy.”
That being said, I really thought that we were going to win regionals tonight. I knew I should’ve worn my sequin dress during the season finale of Glee.
Glee Cast – To Sir, With Love
[audio: Cast – To Sir With Love.mp3]
My life is in shambles. I pretty much have no reason to live now that they’ve canceled the 91X morning show (again). They already broke my heart in 2007 when they fired Cantore. My morning commute to work won’t be the same without the Drunk Dial Line (often powered by the Lakeside double-wide division) and the always awesome Mat Diablo. Seriously, what’s up with me and my tendency towards married men with children???
Here’s Mat with my other love, Sam the Cooking Guy (who’s also married with children):
Now if they decide to cancel Sam the Cooking Guy’s show, I will have to kick whoever’s responsible square in their taco. Don’t think I won’t!
I just received an invitation to my ex‘s dirty 30th. It has been years since I’ve seen him and even longer since we’ve dated. It seems like only yesterday I designed the flyer for his 21st birthday. Haha. This should be interesting.
Lil Wayne + The Office
Count Choculitis?
Why did you write that down, Jim?
Is it because you know I love Count Chocula?
Dwight: Okay, do me. Something stereotypical, so I can get it really quick. |
Pam: Okay. If I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, that I do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver. |
Dwight: Oh, man! Am I a woman?! |
In the process of renewing my car insurance earlier this week, I found out that my license has been suspended for the past seven months! Yowza. Some asshole CHP pulled me over on the freeway during morning traffic in the pouring rain just for having tinted windows last year, and I forgot about the $10 fix-it ticket, of course. Now that I’ve paid 48x the original ticket price (yikes!), I still need to be able to drive to work and back while I wait a week for them to reinstate my license. I’d like to avoid getting a misdemeanor and having my car impounded, so I’ve been driving with my still-tinted windows rolled down while my windblown hair grows ten times bigger by the time I reach my destination. As if having tinted windows is the only reason I’d get pulled over… Never mind that I’m on my phone tweeting pictures of my dog while I’m driving.
SpongeBob: What do you usually do when I’m gone?
Patrick: Wait for you to come back.
(image via sanahasflickr.)
Happy birthday to my heart twin, Shi. I love you like I love walking around in my chones. And when you come over, I love you enough to put on some pants.
(image via flickflickflicker)
I watched this in my film class and was inspired. Is it weird that I think it’s hot that J.J. Abrams knows what registration marks are?
Sam the cooking guy made Cap’n Crunch seared tuna on his show today. Clearly, he is a man after my own heart.
The CW (or the Country Western network as I like to call them) isn’t renewing “Gilmore Girls” next season. Sad times. Their season finale ended up being their series finale. They didn’t even get a proper send off. It just ended. I’m so sad… and maybe a little embarassed that you all know I watch “Gilmore Girls” now. Religiously at that. I’ve been hooked ever since Jess broke up Rory and Dean in 2002. Pretty sad if you know what I’m talking about. R.I.P. Gilmore Girls! You’ll be missed. I guess all I can do now is watch DVDs of past episodes… and read fan fiction. Don’t judge me.