» Steamy Hallow.
Steamy Hallow.
Posted on September 21st, 2024 in food and drink, harry potter, LA, movies

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

Since Pammie visited me in LA this weekend, I took her to this Harry Potter themed cafe nearby inside Del Amo mall in Torrance.

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

Pammie ordered Goblin Snot (an iced matcha with white chocolate cream) and I got Phoenix Tears (passionfruit and mango sparkling refresher with lemonade topped with edible gitter). Phoenix Tears have immense healing powers (according to Harry Potter Wiki) ✨

The cafe was cute, but my sister has better Harry Potter decor in her house 😆 They could definitely work on their marketing and branding. Our iced cups, for example, should have stickers with their logo on it. ‘Snot’ and ‘Tears’ were just scribbled on our cups with a sharpie 😅 My graphic designer eyes are very judgy 👀

harry potter snape judging you gif

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