This is where you’ll get in with Cal. He was just asking me last week if i could learn how to make kare kare for his bday. I looked at videos online on how to make it and was like, “theres a lot of room for error in this recipe. Seems like a lot of effort for a dish only 25% of this household will eat…”
But since i never rest anyway, ill give it a whirl. Maybe you can taste test for me!
This is where you’ll get in with Cal. He was just asking me last week if i could learn how to make kare kare for his bday. I looked at videos online on how to make it and was like, “theres a lot of room for error in this recipe. Seems like a lot of effort for a dish only 25% of this household will eat…”
But since i never rest anyway, ill give it a whirl. Maybe you can taste test for me!
September 24th, 2023 | #
i found be more pacific’s brisket kare kare recipe online and i’ll def be your taste tester!
i’ll even make me and cal matching shirts 😂
September 24th, 2023 | #
September 24th, 2023 | #