Yesterday, instead of sitting at home refreshing my myspace page for new comments, I decided to get out of San Diego for a while. Pammie had an interview in the OC and I went up with her so we could spend the day shopping. I went to the anti-mall while she got her interview on, and I picked up some cute stuff from Urban Outfitters. By some form of miracle, I made it to the anti-mall and back to my sister’s interview without getting lost. This newfound sense of direction lasted about three blocks before I got lost again on the way to Southcoast Plaza. We ate lunch and headed up to LA so we could hit up the new H&M at the Beverly Center. H&M was my favorite store in NYC. They really need to open one in San Diego… We spent HOURS in that store. I convinced Pammie to pick up this gorgeous top that didn’t entirely fit, just so she could use it as a goal shirt. I know you girls know what I’m talking about.. Like those skinny jeans that you used to fit that you keep in the back of your closet just in case you ever get that skinny again. We all have them… and if you’re saying you don’t, then you’re either a realist (like Pammie was before yesterday), you’re lying, or you’ve always been skinny (in which case I officially hate you). Cute clothes are a great motivation to lose all that weight you gained while you were with your ex-boyfriend for seven years and didn’t need to impress anyone. Not that I know anything about that. Anyway, we wandered around the mall for a while and I somehow managed to lose the mini extension cord for my ear buds that I just picked up at Sony Style not an hour before. Different city, same Mayan. We went to P.F. Chang’s for dinner and were told it was going to be a 45-minute wait, but got VIP treatment and were seated in minutes. We ignored the evil stink eyes of all the customers who had gotten there much earlier, followed our host pass the bar where we thought we were sitting and were seated at a table for four. Okay, so they probably alerted the wrong buzzer. We’re still VIP! 😉 It was nice being away. Pammie is most likely moving back to the OC for a better job, and I’m definitely ready for change…