(via @sbrbnla)
It’s gonna be a shit show in LA tomorrow, and it’s gonna take a week to fix the gate in my parking garage (though when someone broke into our garage the last time, my car and my mango hi-chews went untouched LOL there were BMWs, Teslas and a Maserati in my garage—nobody was trying to fuck with my Mazda hatchback). I’m driving down to SD tonight and spending the week there anyway.
I was gonna drive down tomorrow morning, but there’s been a company re-org and now the web department reports to someone new and we have a teams meeting in the morning. You guys, I haven’t had a meeting since 2020 😅 I don’t even know what half my team looks like because they started after the pandemic. Also, I haven’t spoken to any of these people (off Slack or email) since the stroke. I’m not even sure most of them know I even had a stroke! I was sure my boss told them why I was out for 6 months, but I was chatting on Slack with my project manager, and I made this offhanded joke about having a stroke, and she had no idea. I’m like, ‘What did my boss even tell these people about my 6-month absence???’ The higher ups knew and didn’t even send me flowers while I was in the hospital, so IDK why I expected my coworkers to know. It happened right before the superbowl, and my friends saw the big Snoop commercial and were like, ‘They can afford Snoop for the superbowl, but they can’t afford to send their employee of over 10 years flowers in the hospital?!’ Yes, I’m still bitter, and yes, I dried my tears with the raise and bonus they gave me while I was on medical leave.
Anyway, here’s some actual footage of me driving in LA traffic:
One…what is with everyone doing a whole re-org? And two, chel would hate the culture at ur work. No meetings, cameras off. Chel wouldnt have it lolololol
October 25th, 2024 | #
my head boss/vp was the gf of one of the ceo’s sons and they broke up over a year ago, and they’ve been trying to push her out. so they moved my dept under a totally different guy who made us a) have a teams meeting and b) turn our cameras on. idk if it’s a good thing or bad thing that we moved departments. it’s def less toxic, but idk what their budget is here, in advertising it seemed like we were budgetless with all the raises and bonuses they gave us each year. i’m the web designer who’s been here the longest, and i make the most money, so i feel like i’d be the first they’d let go if we put them over budget. plus i can say goodbye to getting the week between christmas and new year’s off every year bc that was just something they gave the advertising dept. the new head guy mentioned they all still work remotely, but like to do team events twice a year, and last year they went to disneyland. so we shall see, dude. only time will tell!
October 27th, 2024 | #