I laughed when I saw this clip because I used to drive by this baseball store on my way to get my brows done called Hitter’s House, and the first time I saw it, I had to do a double take because I thought it said “Hitler’s House” 🤣
P.S. My brow lady in LA probably thinks I’m dead since I used to see her every six weeks for the past decade, and I haven’t seen her since the incident. (Don’t worry, I’ve been going to my sister’s eyebrow threader in SD for the past six months, so my shit’s groomed.)
Update 8/5/2023: My brow lady texted me this morning to make sure I was okay. I told her I’d see her once I was back in LA. Get you a brow lady who checks up on you LOL. Ask for Devi at Ziba in Torrance!