I completely forgot about this pinterest contest I entered a year ago! They just selected one winner per month, and the board I made for the Organized Wedding Shower of my dreams won!
I may not be getting married anytime soon, but at least I can fill the hole in my heart with $1,000 worth of merchandise from The Container Store.
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Unsolicited fact about me: I’ve never owned a bike until today.
Thanks to Pinterest, I finally have my first bike at 32 years young! I always had roller skates when I was a kid, but I never had a bike (which probably explains my bike-riding skills, or lack thereof). I’ve also never ridden a horse, but I have ridden an elephant. This post could get lengthy if I keep listing all the things I’ve ridden, so I’ll move along…
Inhabitat chose my Going (Mint) Green in Style pinterest board as the grand prize winner of their Back-to-School contest! It’s been years since I’ve actually been in school, but my time at the Art Institute sure taught me how to design a pretty pinterest board.
I won this Public Bike plus a brass bell, rear rack, and the bike basket I put on my wish list earlier this year before I had a bike to attach it to! They even sent me a tube of turquoise touch up paint for when I inevitably eat shit and scuff up that beautiful paint job. I considered getting the cream bike instead since it seemed like a safer color choice, but my sister said, “Since when do you make safe choices?” Touché. I am reckless as fuck.
I asked my friend if there were any lakes to go riding around up here, and she was all like, “THIS IS LA.” So I guess I’m riding my free bike at the beach then??? What a rough life.
My Summer of Smoothies pinterest board won me a new Vitamix blender! I’m pretty sure that 90% of my meals will be served in liquid form now. The other 10% will still consist of pre-packaged food and takeout (you know I don’t cook). Time to get my omega swirl on!
After this weekend in SF, I should probably start with a detox smoothie…
I entered this pinterest contest to win a $500 blender after Anthony made me a smoothie with his Vitamix when I was sick (and shortly before he handcuffed me, and Pammie took pictures while he went to get the key, but that’s a story for another time).
I found a ton of popsicle recipes while making my Summer of Smoothies contest board. It’s been crazy hot lately, so I thought it would be the perfect time to bust out my popsicle tray, Vitamix blender or not.
One of the things I miss about San Diego is Teresita’s Fruiteria. I have to travel to a seedy part of LA to get a good chamango around here—the one place I found was next door to a barber who sells Herbalife in the back of his shop (don’t ask me how I know). Now I can have chamangos in the safety of my own home, and even better, on a stick!

Chamango Popsicles
12 oz mango chunks (1 frozen bag @ Target)
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
4 tbsp chamoy
Popsicle mold tray
Popsicle sticks
Blend 12 oz mango chunks, water and sugar until smooth. If it’s too thick, add more water.
Add half a tbsp of chamoy to the bottom of each popsicle mold.
Pour the blended mixture into each popsicle mold and leave a quarter inch room on top. I filled up 8 molds and had some left over.
Take a popsicle stick and swirl the chamoy around.
Freeze overnight. Once it’s frozen, you can dip the popsicle tray in warm water and the popsicles should slide right out.
While I was sick last week, I downed emergen-c cocktails and fireball whiskey and entered a bajillion pinterest contests. Today, my lazybones dream board won me a $50 gift card! I can’t wait to put it towards one of their $300 quilts haha. I already have one from Anthropologie (okay so I really bought it for my sister on her birthday and I’ve been ‘borrowing’ it ever since), and anyone who’s had the pleasure of sleeping in my bed knows that it’s well worth the price. And so is the quilt 😉 Ha.
I also got a notification today that my dairy max board won third place! While I didn’t win the grand prize of a kitchen aid stand mixer (yes, I already have one, and yes, I’m greedy like that), I did win a dairy prize pack. I have no idea what that entails, but I’m hoping it’s sticks of butter from different lands.

I hope santa gets me something from my gentlemen’s quarters board this year.

Pammie and I made these maple bacon donut holes for her fiance’s birthday tomorrow!
Pinterest is slowly domesticating me, one recipe at a time…

I made these portobello pizza bites, and they were so good that I almost forgot that I ruined my Calphalon pan broiling these bad boys. Almost.

Today, I got off Pinterest long enough to actually make this Spicy Shrimp Fried Rice recipe that I pinned, and I managed to do it without burning the house down!
I don’t even know who I am right now.