We went to my aunt’s viewing yesterday. These last few months, she had gotten so sick and so pale… but yesterday she looked SO beautiful. Chel said she was going to do her make-up, because she didn’t want them to pull some crazy shit on her face like they tend to do at the make-up counters in department stores… They did a damn good job, though. I’m glad, too, because I wouldn’t be able to put make-up on my mother for her viewing… Chel has too much to deal with right now to have to do something like that. My aunt was LOVED. There were sooo many people there… I’m not the most religious person in the world, so I usually skip out on the rosary, but I needed to be there. I was crying half the time, because Chel said a few words before the rosary that were so upsetting. She was crying while she was up there, so it just made whatever she was saying ten times sadder. I hate to see your family in so much pain, Chel. I know I keep saying this, but let me reiterate that THE GIRLS are here for anything you need…
I started spring semester today. I have three classes today with half an hour to an hour between each class… SUCKIES. What sucks even MORE is that I got out early from my first class, because the first day is usually just SYLLABUS day, so I have a few hours between my classes now… I don’t really want to go anywhere, because I just have to come back here anyway. Lame!
Saturday, January 24, 2004

Yesterday, my mom came into my room at 6:30 in the morning and started to cry. My uncle had just called to let us know that my aunt had just passed away. She had lost her battle against breast cancer. The news came as a shock to my whole family… Other than being in a wheelchair, she seemed fine during Christmas (the last time I saw her alive). My parents were just with her last weekend… This all seems very surreal to me. It hasn’t really hit me yet that she’s gone… Our entire family went to their house yesterday to pay our respects before she was taken to the morgue. It seemed so unreal seeing her lying in bed… Everything happened so fast. It wasn’t even a year ago that she was hiking in Hawaii with my family… My mom went in first and was hysterical… My Auntie Leslie had been her cousin and best friend ever since they were kids (like me and my sister with Raechel, my Auntie Leslie’s daughter). I hate seeing my mom so sad. She stayed in bed all day today. It’s upsetting to think about all the things my aunt is going to miss… She’ll never get to see her children get married. She’ll never get to meet her grandkids. She’ll never get to see her youngest daughter graduate from high school. They say that everything happens for a reason, but why did this have to happen to her? My sister, Shi, Roxy, and I ended up sleeping at Raechel’s house last night. It’s been years since we’ve had a sleepover, and it’s sad that this was the reason for it… There were tons of people at Chel’s house yesterday. I hope my aunt was able to see how many people love and miss her. I’m glad that she’s in a place where she can’t hurt anymore.
R.I.P. Leslie Tejidor… July 25, 1959 – January 22, 2004.
Coldplay – The Scientist
Nobody said it was easy
It’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
I’m going back to the start
Could this day. Be. Any. Longer? Skokie got off early and Sharon’s in P.I. so I’m stuck at work with no one to talk to but you people. Haha. Last night was FUN TIMES with Chel, Alvin, Sheenie, Jay, Jed and Edgar. Alvin treated us to a night of bowling at Brunswick (thanks, homie!). Chel is an effin GOOD ass bowler (she swears she hasn’t bowled in over a year! hehe), Alvin bowls like a gazelle (he’s freakishly tall for a Filipino boy), and Team Edgar/Jed/Jay killed us… Last night, I had a brush with DEATH! I was driving too fast on a turn on my way to Brunswick, and I spun out and did a 360 on the road. I swear I felt like I was going in slow motion. One of my greatest fears is dying a terrible death in a car accident… Luckily there were no cars around when it happened. How the f*ck did I get my driver’s license?! I’m such a horrible driver. I get distracted really easily and sometimes I forget that I’m driving. If you value your life, stay away from my ass when I’m on the road… I’m the white Toyota Camry who keeps swerving.
I went to work this morning because I was going to cover some girl’s shift… and when I got there she was like… I don’t need you to cover my shift for another couple of hours… !!! What the… I woke up early for this shit, lady. That’s alright. I just stayed at work for a while and took advantage of their high speed internet. I ended up not having to cover the end of her shift since it was slow as molasses, so I wasted a perfectly good Friday morning at work. Edgar (the co-worker… I’ll just call him “Skokie” when I mention him, so I don’t have to keep saying “Edgar the boyfriend” and “Edgar the co-worker”) got off work when I was leaving, so we had lunch at Toro motherf*ckin Sushi! 🙂 I ♥ sushi. But not the real kind. The California kind. Ha. Now I’m just waiting for the candle man to get off of work so we can help Sheenie move her shit out of Jamul and into storage. We have to LIFT things. BOO. Haha. I’m so lazy. Sheenie just called wondering where I was, and she said that Jay said that I probably fell asleep after a hot shower (I have a tendency to do that… warm things make me sleepy). Jay said that if that’s not what happened, then I probably saw some butterflies and started following them. Heeeeey. 🙁 I get distracted REALLY easily. That’s no reason to make fun of me, FURBY JAY, JAY FURBY. Ha, ha. =X
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
My birthday’s officially over. Thanks to everyone who called today and came out to celebrate with me over the weekend 🙂 Today, I had dinner at Onami’s with my dad, sister, Edgar and Jed. We came back to my house afterwards and made smoothies with my new Smoothie Pro600 (thanks, Pammie!). Now I can make the defunct Pineappalooza smoothie from Jamba Juice (damn seasonal drink)!!! I need to start eating healthier and actually USE the 24-Hour Fitness membership (you can’t lose weight by just SIGNING UP, though I used to be convinced that you could). I want a smokin’ body by the time summer arrives and Pineappaloozas are back in season!
It’s 1:30 in the morning and I’m officially 22-years-old!!! I’m up doing my english paper that I’ve been procrastinating on the entire weekend. I just got home from watching Something’s Gotta Give with Edgar, Jay and my sister. That movie was awesome. I loved it. Awkwardly enough, we ran into Joyce and Alex who were coincidentally watching the same movie. Joyce still has the freakishly contagious laugh that I remember from high school. Haha. Some things never change.
How GREAT was this weekend? On Friday, I went to go pick up my paycheck and my supervisor was like, “I know you aren’t working right now, but can I see you in my office?” and I was just sitting in his office shitting bricks thinking, “I am SO fired.” Then he comes in and closes the door and says, “We want to hire you as a permanent here.” I’ve been a “seasonal” for two effin years waiting to hear those words. I even got a nice RAISE. What a LOVELY birthday gift 🙂 Later that night, I had tons of fun celebrating my birthday at D&B’s and PB Bar & Grill with Edgar, my sister, Chel, Alvin, Jed, Jay, Sheena, Gerald, Meehchelle, and Joanne. I’m never drinking martinis again, though! Crazy dancing man was bustin his moves at PB as usual. Yesterday, I had a pretty good day at work and my co-worker, Edgar, took me out to lunch for my birthday (thanks again, homie!). After work, I went to the Strip Club Steakhouse to celebrate Meehchelle’s 24th birthday. Afterwards, we went to Ra for some drinks. They make a mean Chambourd Sour over there! Thanks for hooking us up, Marvin! When we were walking back to the car, we ran into Chel and Alvin outside some coffee shop! We decided not to leave yet and had a few more drinks at The Lime where some random guy told Alvin he was cute. Haha. Right now I’m at work and it’s slow as molasses, so I finally have time to update this. I am swamped with school work! Bleh. I’ll do that when I get home tonight. I’m switching to Verizon today, so I’ll let you all know my new cell phone number tomorrow, guys! No more sending you to my voicemail because I don’t have anymore anytime minutes to spare! Haha.
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an EXCITING New Year’s Eve. Shi, I think yours was the MOST exciting. LOL. Edgar, Jay, Jed, Meehchelle, Rossanne, my sister and I spent our New Year’s Eve at Edgar’s house taking shots of Grey Goose and playing No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em (Jed was Master P… Rossanne was Faboloso?). On New Year’s I slept in and had dinner at Jed’s with Edgar, my sister and Jay. We hit up Sycuan around midnight and Edgar and I lost $50 on slots. That shit is addicting. On Friday, my sister and I were supposed to go out with Shi and Roxy, but it was RAINING and who wants to go to PB Bar & Grill when it’s open patio? I ended up eating dinner with my sister at BJ’s and having a blockbuster night. Yesterday, I had work and originally had plans to go out with Roxy, Chel and Shi again, but ended up spending more quality time with my sister. We need to go out, girls! My birthday’s next Monday, but I think I’m going to be too busy with intercession and work to really celebrate… Plus we’re already celebrating my friend’s birthday this weekend. Maybe we’ll do something on Friday? We’ll see… Anyway, my sister and I finally watched Love Actually. I’ve been waiting for two effin months to watch it, because no one else wanted to watch this epitomized chick flick. It was SO good. OMG. I laughed. I cried. and I cried. and I cried. I got this weird, aching feeling in my body… so watch it if you like weird, aching feelings in your body.