» work
Friday, July 19, 2024

(via @theintrovertedattorney)

wfh setup

I’m Team Apple (I have a work-issued Mac Studio Desktop, a personal Macbook Pro laptop, an iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch), but I’ve never been more envious of PC users before today πŸ˜…

Friday, June 14, 2024

I’m back at work doing web stuff after weeks of being on vacation, months of being on catalogs, and recovering after a bout with covid. I also have a new profile pic on Slack 😜

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

my driving scares me too bumper sticker

Our catalog comps were pushed a few days, so I took a nap this afternoon, and had the weirdest dream. A groomer was calling me to confirm the address to drop my dogs off at. He says my ex-boyfriend’s old address, so I call my ex like WTF? And he tells me we’re married with two dogs.

I woke up, because my sister texted me that she saw Lucille (my favorite dog) on her balcony outside.


BRB never sleeping again πŸ˜…

Total Eclipse of the Heartland.
Monday, April 8, 2024

solar eclipse

solar eclipse

Welp, the solar eclipse came and went, and the world didn’t end, so I guess I’ll work on those catalog comps due tomorrow πŸ˜…

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


The height of my tissue pile directly correlates to the horrible day I’ve been having. I would’ve called out sick today, but my catalog comps are due at noon. I just finished, so gonna instacart some medicine and sleep for a million years.

Thursday, March 28, 2024


Welp, I guess I’ll go back to working on my catalog comps πŸ˜…

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Pretty sure Thalia (my project manager) and I would be besties if we were back in the office (sorry, Nori LOL).

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Whenever my work signs a new athlete, I never know who they are. I only know who Tony Romo is because he used to date Jessica Simpson LOL. And who the Cleveland Browns coach is because he’s fine as hell πŸ”₯ It’s a good thing I don’t play fantasy football, because I’d pick my team based on how cute the players are. Jimmy Garoppalo would be my QB, so I’d def be dead last πŸ˜…

Twerker Bee.
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Most of my friends are girl bosses who manage teams, but I have never had the desire to climb the corporate ladder. I don’t even like when our web director (whose name is Gaye) puts me in charge when she’s out because I’m the most senior designer after her. I don’t like having to tell people I’m Gaye πŸ˜† I just want to do my 9 (ish) to 6 (ish) and be on my way…

Monday, March 11, 2024



When in doubt, blame daylight savings…

Spring Forward.
Sunday, March 10, 2024

daylight savings

Joke’s on youβ€”I’m off this Friday 😜

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


This is like when I first started at my job, and my boss was like, “Show it to Loren, the art director.” And I was like, “Where does she sit?” and she was like, “Loren’s a guy.” And another time, she was like, “Ask Jamie.” And I was like, “Where does she sit?” and she was like, “Jamie’s a guy, too.” And then another time, she was like, “Give it to Deane.” And I was like, “Where does he sit?” and she was like, “Deane’s a girl.” When she told me to show it to Christina, another art director, I was like, “Is Christina a man?!” πŸ˜† God forbid I use the wrong pronoun when addressing you πŸ˜…

Monday, March 4, 2024


I got assigned two catalogs this conference season.

BRB crying.

wine under desk crying gif

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

We could never be friends if you don’t laugh at my jokes πŸ˜…

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Our design director was checking in on presentations, and my coworker (whose name has been redacted in case he ever stumbles upon this blog) said he was sending his “monetarily” and I’ve been laughing for a million years. Is he sending money with his comps? πŸ’Έ

I don’t know him like that, so I didn’t say anything snarky to him, but I forwarded it to my other coworker and was like, “Did you see this shit?!” 🀣

Thursday, February 22, 2024



I received the sweetest gift from my dear friend, Heather.

It came at the perfect time, because I had just gotten an email with our presentation assignments due by next week and a blackout period where we can’t request any time off at work. I was hoping presentations and catalogs were canceled because we’re usually blacked out on the calendar by this time, and I even got approved for time off next month for Nashville.

Plus I had a pretty shitty day today. They refilled my prescription at the wrong CVS by my parents’ house instead of my usual one near my sister’s, so my parents had to pick it up for me since my sister had to go into the office today. Since they were here, I had them drive me to the bank. I was originally planning to take an uber, because I don’t like asking anyone for help. I don’t have a house key, because I don’t drive yet so I don’t go anywhere without my sister. So I just ran out the garage door as it was closing. When I got back from the bank, I kept ringing the doorbell and my mom called my sister’s husband fifteen times, but he was taking a nap, so he didn’t answer the door or his phone. My parents just brought me back to their house, and my sister had to pick me up when she got off work that night. Then I had to work some more when I got home, because my project manager was asking for a bunch of shit, but I didn’t have my computer with me. I haven’t even started my presentation yet, and I was hoping to have comps done before my flight tomorrow morning.

I’m about to take a bath with this lavender/chamomile/vanilla shower steamer and light this chai latte candle so I can fucking relax πŸ€ͺ

Thank you, friend! πŸ’›

Thursday, February 15, 2024

The other day, one of the directors who works in the office messaged me on teams saying he had something for me asking where he should mail it. I thought it might be my 10-year work anniversary pin, (even though my 11-year anniversary just passed last month) or maybe a termination letter (even though I just got a raise and bonus πŸ˜…), but HR has my apartment in LA listed as my mailing address, and they would normally be the ones sending things of that nature, so I didn’t think it was HR-related. He was being really cryptic about it, so I had no idea what it was. It’s all my white puffer jacket that I left in the drawer of my old office. JK, Andy, who sits in my old office probably wears it. It’s a women’s jacket, but he’s v petite 🀣

This is like the time at my old job when they announced a mandatory meeting and we were going crazy wondering what it was aboutβ€”Were they laying people off? Did they find out that my coworker Jesse drank that unclaimed Red Bull in the fridge? Were my yoga pants too casual for Casual Friday??? It turns out the meeting was a break from work where we got to play Taboo, and we won so the customer service team had to make us coffee for a week!

Hopefully it’s something good! I’ll keep you posted…

Update: I got it, and it was just a certificate congratulating me on 11 years with Skechers and a voucher for a free pair of shoes πŸ˜… HR must’ve interofficed it to the advertising department thinking I worked in the offiice. No old coworker’s heads here!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

tina fey money dance gif

I had a fraud alert this morning (some asshole tried to buy $200 worth of stuff with my credit card at so they canceled my card and issued me a new one. I was trying to pre-pay for my prescriptions at CVS, so I had to use another credit card, which I never use. I still had to activate it, so I went to do that on Chase and so I logged in and was like, “Why is there so much money in this account?” I looked at my transactions, and I guess I got a raise and bonus on Friday πŸ˜… I wasn’t expecting anything since I was on medical leave for half of last year.

Friday, January 26, 2024

I’ll just be here for the rest of the day.

bear watching tv gif

Nori messaged me earlier and was like, β€œStill busy?” I’ve been super busy at work this week, because I’m still catching up from being on vacation and being out sick from my tummy ache last week. I was like, β€œYeah, don’t they know I’m trying to win JT tickets over here?!” πŸ˜…

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


My friend tested positive for Covid, and she thinks she got it from a meeting she had to attend at UCSD in person last week. My sister had to go into the office today for a meeting with executives that are flying in from all over the country! Her boss has a cold and is knowingly going in sick for that meeting and also a team building event at an escape room LOL. Like, what’s more important than your health??? Certainly not your job! Luckily, my boss is a germophobe, and I haven’t had to go in the office since 2020.

I’ve somehow managed to dodge Covid for 4 years, even though I’ve been exposed a couple times. Should I add that to my Tinder bio? “Never gotten Covid. Never seen a Star Wars movie.” Just kidding (I’m not on Tinder).

Anytime I say I’ve never had Covid, my sister (who got Covid on vacation in Hawaii despite masking up and sanitizing everything all the time) likes to remind me that I had two strokes last year. TouchΓ©, bitch. Tou-fucking-chΓ© πŸ˜…

Wizards at Work.
Friday, January 5, 2024

door hanger

Pammie works out of her bedroom, so she got this Harry Potter door hanger so her husband doesn’t ask her if she wants to smoke while she’s on a zoom call, and I don’t bust in with no pants on to look out her window and see if my favorite dog, Lucille, is sunbathing on the balcony next door πŸ˜…

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

work email

I’m back from vacay and my boss took an extra week off. I’m the most senior designer after the web director (my 11-year work anniversary is tomorrow!), so I’ve been telling everyone I’m Gaye this week πŸ˜†

Morning Buns.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

tiktok cinnamon rolls

As I was frosting my cinnamon rolls this morning, I could hear my sister on her 9am zoom call. I don’t remember the last time I had a zoom call or meeting. As long as I turn in my work on time, my boss doesn’t bother me. My coworkers will message me on slack till no end, but usually just to ask if I have a font or what I’m doing for my birthday LOL. I love working from home β™₯️

Saturday, November 11, 2023

nori snack box

My work bestie is taking PTO, so I sent her a care package with her favorite popcorn from Chicago, these cookies from NYC that she showed me on instagram, and some homemade furikake chex mix to snack on, plus a USB full of illegally downloaded movies so she can fully enjoy her well-deserved staycation.

Friday, October 27, 2023

I sent this video to my work bestie, and she said I’m definitely Mitchell 🀣

Do Not Disturb.
Thursday, September 21, 2023

do not disturb notif

I have the β€œdo not disturb” feature on my phone on between 11pm and 7am (if you text me between those hours, I won’t get notified, but a booty call will go through 🀣 I have calls turned on for emergencies). I used to have it on till 9am, but one time I was having lunch with my friend and she kept asking me if I did my catalog edits for work and I was like, β€œYeah, I’ll get to it” not knowing our creative director had sent an email before 9am that morning that they were due that afternoon because I never got the notification because my do not disturb was on. I changed it to 7am after that.

My boss emailed me at 2am last night! πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« I’ll keep my “do not disturb” on from 11pm-7am since I’m asleep during those hours, thank yew 😴

Also, I know I have to charge my phone. I am who I am Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

Update: My coworker told me that our boss is in Germany right now. So she’s not completely unhinged emailing me at two in the morning, she’s just on Central European Time LOL.

Monday, July 10, 2023



This is pretty much how my first day back at work went. Also, I couldn’t remember any of my credentials πŸ˜…  I’ve never had to update so many passwords. It’s a good thing the new Local Natives album just came out, because it’s the only thing that got me through this day.

Lifted up, lifted up, lifted up
No, I don’t care about any of that now
It’s all been put behind
It’s falling through the cracks
Lost somewhere between
Where I was and wanna be now

Local Natives was the last band I watched live in LA. I had front row balcony tickets at the YouTube Theater at SoFi, and they didn’t sell enough tickets, so they closed the balcony and made everyone sit on the bottom floor. Except they didn’t tell anyone till they got there and already paid $40 for parking, so my seats were shitty because I skipped the opener and got there later and everyone had gotten their seats reassigned and were standing so I had to stand the whole time around these obnoxious people who talked through the entire show. I usually see Local Natives whenever they have a show in LA, and they had three shows at Hollywood Forever Cemetery after that (a venue that I love), but I was still mad about the YouTube show, so I refused LOL. It’s been a year, so I’m over it now. This new album is really good, so I might see them at The Sound when they close out their tour in San Diego.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

lord job lotto

This reminds me of the time my grandma was sick and she kept saying, β€œTake me now, Lord!” so my mom took her to the hospital. After she was better, my mom was all like, β€œDo you still want the lord to take you now?” 🀣

I can’t believe I go back to work tomorrow. I haven’t worked since the incident, but my work only covers health benefits for 6 months of medical leave, so I have to go back so my benefits don’t lapse. Time sure flies when you’ve had a couple of minor strokes πŸ˜…

Powerball and Mega are both up. Anyone want to quiet quit go halfsies on a lotto ticket with me???

Update 7/16/2023: No one has won Powerball or Mega 😬 My coworker was like, β€œIf I won the lotto, I’d probably still work,” and I was like, β€œIf I won the lotto, you’d never see me again!” I used to think that I couldn’t not work, but after 6 months of not working, it turns out I totally can πŸ˜…


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

shi chat

Well, I don’t work there for the 50% discount 🀣

Hanu Fridays.
Friday, April 14, 2023

hanu kbbq

On Fridays, we eat Korean BBQ (@ Hanu KBBQ)

I took my sister out for dinner, partly because my short-term disability (or STD LOL) was finally approved (EDD is so old school with actual paperwork and snail mail) and the payments are retro to when I applied for my claim in January, but mostly because I checked my ADP app to make sure they took my bennies out of my last paycheck and saw they gave me an unexpected raise and bonus (even though I technically haven’t worked since the incident).

Good thing I was max’d out on sick time and vacation, because that’s how I’ve been getting paid since January. I’ll be lucky if I get my first disability check before I’m back at work!

Bah Humbug.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

christmas is canceled

…or my work sending out a departmental email letting us know that we’ll only be getting the day after christmas off instead of the entire week (like we have for the previous 7 years).

Excuse me while I open this box of fruit-by-the-foot I bought for my nephew and eat my feelings.

Thursday, June 30, 2022
but i already did something today
but i already did something today
but i already did something today

Our project manager put in his notice yesterday, the other senior web designer has been out sick since last week, and my boss just went on vacation today. Everything’s fine πŸ˜…

New Normal.
Monday, March 21, 2022

wfh setup

Welp, it’s officially been two years since I started working from home for what was supposed to be a two-week stint! Since then, I’ve put in countless hours of overtime and started taking serotonin supplements if that’s any indication of how life is going so far πŸ˜…

Rams House.
Sunday, January 30, 2022

chargers linkedin

Too bad I’m a Rams fan now 😜

Hocus Pocus.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

hocus pocus time to focus mug

Oh, look… another glorious morning… makes me sick!

When spooky season coincides with conference season πŸŽƒπŸ€“

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

doordash drinks

I feel seen.

Monday, April 26, 2021

crystal glass triangle shelf

BRB charging my crystals ✨

IDK if it’s my graphic design skillz or dat crystal energy helping me through this brutal conference season at work, but I’ll recharge these babies tonight under the full moon just in case!

WFH: Day 365.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

(via @ketnipz)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

balcony rain window swap

It’s been tough working from home this past year, but I don’t miss my windowless office. The view from my studio is pretty uninteresting (though today I captured some rare LA rain!). When I get bored of the view, I just visit WindowSwap and pretend I’m working from somewhere else in the world… I’ve been in Georgetown watching this dog fetch a frisbee for hours now!

First World Problems.
Sunday, November 15, 2020

there are people dying kim kardashian gif

…or what I tell myself when I have to work on the weekend and they forget the organic goji berries on the $20 acai bowl I just postmated.

Quarantine: Day 123.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

quarantine alone

I’ve been working from home for four months now with no distractions (besides my neighbor’s car alarm that goes off, without fail, at least twice a day every time a leaf falls on it). With news this week that California is rolling back reopenings and kids won’t be returning to classrooms in the fall, this quarantine seems far from over. Hang in there, mamas!

WFH: Day 100.
Friday, June 19, 2020

crying email meme

Urgent Memo.
Saturday, May 23, 2020

std email

Stoked that I don’t have an STD don’t have to work this weekend!

Quarantine: Day 57.
Saturday, May 9, 2020

long beach sunset

This lockdown has only made my department busier than ever, and I’ve been losing my mind working 12-hour days and being cooped up in my studio for nearly two months now. I’ve been in such a mood lately, and yet, my sister postmated me coffee bean and breakfast to make my life easier, my dear friend sent me cookies from across the country, and on the drive home from grocery shopping in Long Beach today, I witnessed this pink ass sunset. I really needed these little reminders that I have a good life and this shit is just temporary. Sorry for everything I said while in quarantine! XOXO

DIY Cold Brew.
Monday, April 27, 2020

blue bottle

diy cold brew blue bottle

I had a lot of random jobs in my twenties, and for a brief window in 2004, I was a barista at Starbucks. It was a second job I picked up during the holidays for extra cash, and not one I stayed at very long. That was probably the last time I made my own coffee, and definitely the last time I woke up at four in the morning on purpose! Ha.

I mostly caffeinate with canned cold brew these days, but sometimes I’ll indulge in my most favorite iced coffee everβ€”Blue Bottle New Orleans. At $4 a pop, it’s not something I have on my everyday shopping list (a girl’s gotta pay her rent, after all). But they sell their cold brew kit online and are offering free shipping right now, so I thought why the hell not? What else do I have going on six weeks deep into this quarantine???

This homemade cold brew turned out way better than any coffee I ever made at Starbucks, and I didn’t even have to wake up before the sun to enjoy it. Win-win.

Plan of Action.
Monday, April 20, 2020

work chat
the office dwight rage gif
work chat

I’m one revision away from breaking some muthafuckin’ knees! Just kidding (please don’t furlough me).

Rise & Grind.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

blood of my enemies coffee cup

Monday, March 23, 2020

home office - wfh - coronavirus

Finally an office with a window! I could get used to working from home…

Now if I only had a bidet, a lifetime subscription to Freshly, and a peloton bike, I’d never have to leave my apartment! Just kidding (like I would ever use a peloton bike).

See you clowns on Zoom!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

takis and fruit punch

My coworker Luis came up to me this morning with his cup of grapes and was all like, β€œIs that your breakfast???”

In unrelated news, I had a salad for lunch today.

Friday, January 10, 2020

wacky mini tube dude gif

I’m just gonna watch this tube dude for the rest of the day.

Late Night.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

chat lobster tail

BRB postmates is outside with my seafood risotto.

Work Daddy.
Friday, May 10, 2019

Earlier this week, my coworker Ben walked in on me eating a pb&j uncrustable in my office (yes, I bought the multipack in the β€˜kids meals’ aisle at Target, and yes, I have no kids). He told me that he makes pb & honey ones for his daughter who hates jelly, and I said I’ve never had that combo before. This morning, he made an extra sandwich for me when he packed his kid’s lunch! He even cut the crust off lol!

(I’ve also never had wagyu beef, white albino caviar, or fourchu lobster if anyone reading this wants to bring me something, too.)

Party Down.
Friday, May 3, 2019

We survived another conference season (and work party!) (@ Manhattan Beach Studios)

Weekend Vibes.
Friday, April 19, 2019

redondo beach


Conference season at work is so draining. I wish I was back at the beach with these clowns! I promise we did more than just lay in bed last weekend (we also ate pizza).

Snow Day.
Thursday, February 21, 2019

What, you don’t have a fireplace in your office??? (@ SKX Advertising)

I need one of these in my apartment! It snowed in LA today, and I’m in bed under a korean blanket wearing two pairs of pants (that’s two more than I usually wear!).

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

rocky puppy hat

Even Rocky is bummed I have to go back to work tomorrow.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


I know so many people who are going through tough times right now (the death of a parent, the loss of their family home, and trouble conceiving, to name a few)… Besides LA traffic, my only other gripe is that I’ve been working long hours, and my postmates driver (that my work pays for) forgot to include utensils with my order last night, so I had to eat my calamari in my office with my bare hands like an animal. I feel like an asshole even mentioning it. All things considered, I have so much to be thankful for.

Halloween Week.
Monday, October 29, 2018

Luckily, I already used the restroom before getting into the elevator at work this morning (@ SKX Advertising)

Postmates & Beer.
Thursday, October 18, 2018

postmates and beer

Late night catalog season essentials (@ SKX Advertising)

S/O to my postmates driver, Jeff, who delivered my israeli couscous along with this handwritten note! Five stars. Highly recommend.

Friday, October 12, 2018

bachelorette chat

NOTE TO SELF: Don’t check your group e-mail about Shi’s bachelorette party on your work computer.

I learned the hard way. Like so, so hard.

Monday, August 27, 2018

puerto vallarta zipline

puerto vallarta zipline

My parents ziplined through the jungles of Puerto Vallarta while I put in 12 hours at the office today! Seriously tempted to use those five weeks of vacation time I’ve been hoarding…

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

mai tai

luau roasted pig

luau fire dancer

luau pecs

Hardly working (@ SKX)

Bathroom Goals.
Monday, July 2, 2018

bathroom tv

Friday, June 29, 2018

crazy desktop icons

Finding a file on my coworker’s insane desktop is just too much to ask of me on a Friday.

Black Out Days.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018



It was straight up Ghost Hunters status at both work and home today. If you’re reading this, please send food. I can’t microwave my burrito.

Post-Prohibition Party.
Thursday, May 17, 2018

roaring 20s prohibition party

roaring 20s girl

whiskey barrel

casino roulette

Prohibition is over and so is conference season!!! 🎉🎉🎉 (@ Manhattan Beach Studios)

Tiki Tuesday.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018


It wouldn’t be a luau without legit hawaiian shirts from Forever 21.

sex on the beach

Yes, please.

bubble fight

Those two days I went to the gym this month really paid off! Ha. Sorry, Amber…

mai tai money

One bloody knuckle, two mai tais, and three rounds later!

On Top.
Saturday, March 31, 2018

run your pool

dumb and dumber - so you're telling me there's a chance gif

Kansas got killed today, but Michigan’s win still put me in first place! Their chance of beating Villanova is like one in a million, so I’ll just enjoy being on top while I can…

Final FOURgasm.
Friday, March 30, 2018

swish swish bish

swish swish bish

Currently #2 out of 75, but my bracket automatically wins first place if Kansas beats Villanova tomorrow! πŸ€πŸ†πŸŽ‰

I’m just as surprised as the boys at work who had to explain to me what a seed is.


Swish Swish Bish.
Thursday, March 8, 2018

march madness

In the event that this isn’t anything like that Survivor pool I joined and won without ever watching a single episode, I have a few questions, like how do you know if it’s a 12 seed team or a 5 seed team, and also what is a seed???

Exit Plan.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

fired chat

I need to make a change.

Taco Hell.
Thursday, March 1, 2018

taco bell

The guac is extra, and so is my boss (@ SKX Advertising Dept)

Mandatory Mixer.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

rockefeller manhattan beach

rockefeller manhattan beach

rockefeller manhattan beach

rockefeller manhattan beach

rockefeller manhattan beach

Catching up with my coworkers (@ The Rockefeller Manhattan Beach)

Monday, February 5, 2018

puffer jacket

All the ladies have been complaining about how cold it is in the advertising department, so our boss surprised us with these jackets to keep warm.

Wouldn’t it have been more cost-effective to just turn down the A/C?

Also, does this come in black???

Friday, January 26, 2018

weird science wyatt chet

I love it when Weird Science is playing in the break room at work, and I get to stare at Chet’s sweet ass while I’m eating.

Back to the Grind.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

morning people vs me dogs waking up in car gif

Actual footage of me waking up for work today after being on vacation for two weeks. Yikes!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

everyday bravery pin - emily mcdowell

Christmas gift from my boss… I think she’s onto me.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

dyson fan broken a/c

SKX Global Sales Conference.
Thursday, May 18, 2017


SKX Global Sales Conference (@ Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center)

Hearing Schwarzenegger tell us “it’s not a tumor” was clearly the highlight of our conference.

Conference Season.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

work phone

I worked 16 hours straight yesterday and haven’t slept much these past few weeks 😩

I always need something good to look forward to during conference season, so I bought tickets to two LA shows (Sylvan Esso and Blind Pilot), an OC show (Young the Giant), and music festivals in LA (Arroyo Seco) and NYC (Panorama).

I may or may not have been delirious at one in the morning.

Occupational Hazard.
Thursday, March 30, 2017

britta community face palm gif

My boss texted me this picture of my car when she went out for lunch today. This is why she gives me USB cables and portable battery chargers for Christmas. She’s also the one who bought me a fire extinguisher after I almost burned down my apartment!

Yeah, I have no idea why she hired me.

Puzzle Shootout.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Unlike that one time I won the dirty diaper baby shower game by identifying 10 out of 10 melted candy bars (some without even having to smell them), my intimate relationship with candy did not give me the edge in this puzzle competition at work today.

candy puzzle

We placed #9 out of 10 (but still #1 in your hearts!). Who needs a $2K grand prize when you get to go home with this guy???

valentine's day office

Ditch Day.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

workmode squad

Workmode Squad (@ Universal Studios Hollywood)

VIP Experience.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

NOTE TO SELF: Don’t get blitzed on bottomless mimosas on the bus before you ride every 3-D ride at Universal Studios.

Mannequin Challenge.
Friday, November 18, 2016

Hardly working (@ Skechers Corporate)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


cosmopolitan bamboo pool

Hardly working (@ The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas)

Our advertising department was in Vegas for less than 48 hours, and it took me longer than that to recover.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

do i like him or is he just tall

File under: Questions I ask myself on the regular

There’s this tall drink of water at my work, and every time I run into him, I’m either wearing no makeup or holding a loaf of bread.

I woke up late one Monday, rolled right out of bed and into an elevator with him inside. I’ve never looked uglier than I did that morning, and he’s in there asking me how my weekend was, and all I kept thinking was PLEASE AVERT YOUR EYES. Another time, I was changing the iPads at work when I look over and see him looking at me, so I froze and dropped my screwdriver. Today, I was in the elevator with him on my way to get coffee, and I just had to be holding that freaking loaf of bread that I keep in my desk drawer. Ugh!

He doesn’t even know how cool I am.

Last Clock Out.
Thursday, October 8, 2015

dad last clock out

Happy birthday and an even happier retirement to my pops! (@ Bonita USPS)

Unfortunate circumstances kept me in town this week, but I’m glad I was able to be there on my dad’s last day at work where no fucks were given and retirement cake was served.

Key to My Heart.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

google bbq platter

I don’t know what’s sadderβ€”is it that part of my job as a web designer at Skechers involves creating e-blasts for the cafe inside our office building (how else would you know that tomorrow’s special is chicken tikka masala?!), or that while googling BBQ photos to use for their 4th of July special, I immediately recognized this spread from Smoke City Market???

If you’re looking for the key to my heart, a platter of smoked BBQ beef ribs will unlock all the mysteries.

Conference Season.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


…or my least favorite time of year.

Pretty sure there’s a direct correlation between the duration of my cold and the amount of overtime I’ve been working these past few weeks. 14-hour work days is not the cure.

Namast’ay in Bed.
Friday, May 29, 2015

namast'ay in bed - california donuts - breakfast in bed

Much needed sick day after working overtime every day this week with a cold! Somebody please bring me more donuts and be the big spoon.

Day Ruined.
Friday, April 17, 2015

stuck vending machine

Sugar Crush!
Sunday, November 30, 2014

mom text

OMG, my mom and her emoticons.

My sister just accepted a job offer back home in SD, and I couldn’t be happier for her (or sadder for me!). The best part about living in LA is that it’s only an hour away from my sister’s condo in the OC and a few hours away from home. With my sister and brother-in-law moving back to SD, I won’t be able to just drop by whenever I’m feeling homesick anymore. I’ll also have to find someone else’s husband to cook me breakfast on Sunday mornings! Ha.

Congrats, Pammie!!! I miss you already ♥

Death is Coming.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

modern family - oh god it's cancer - death is coming gif modern family - oh god it's cancer - death is coming gif

I usually enjoy being on my back, but this is getting ridic.

I’ve been living off muscle relaxers, pain killers and salon pas for the past three weeks. The cause is still unknown, but I’m pretty sure I went too hard at the Paul McCartney show! Ha.

I’ve been stressed out at work lately, and the doctor thinks I might be carrying the stress in my back. If only he could write me a doctor’s note forbidding me to work overtime. It’s the least he can do, since he won’t prescribe me more vicodin!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

requiem for a dream - screaming in the bathtub gif
requiem for a dream - screaming in the bathtub gif

My 3-day weekend can’t come soon enough.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

bathroom tv

Bathroom break (@ Skechers)

Global Sales Conference.
Sunday, June 29, 2014

work conference

My work conference started off with an inspirational speech by President Bill Clinton and ended with half naked dancers and one too many tequila shots with the VPs.

So… just another day at the office.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


I caught Meb checking me out at work today!


Oh, wait. It’s just some creep.

Who Wore It Better?
Friday, May 2, 2014

who wore it better?

This week’s edition of Who Wore It Better? (@ Skechers)

Beard Magic.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

levi get well soon

This is only the best e-card anyone has ever made me.
Thanks, Zack (and Levi!) ♥

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

broad city - the commute - tuesday - tgif broad city - the commute - tuesday - tgif
broad city - the commute - tuesday - tgif broad city - the commute - tuesday - tgif


Thursday, March 27, 2014

ig winner

So the cafe inside my work has an instagram account, and all the employees who follow it have a chance to win a $25 gift card every week. I was pretty excited when I won last month. I was less excited about the photo they chose of me, but my instagram is devoid of selfies, so I forgive them.

Anyway, I was talking to my coworker who runs the instagram account, and he was saying how they make a big deal at the cafe when you get your gift card. And I was like, “Yeah, they even take your picture!” And he was like, “Wait, what… They don’t do that.” And then I realized that the guy who sells me my $9 pressed juice every morning took a picture of me on his cell phone for his own personal collection!

sara jimmy fallon ew gif

I Woke Up Like This.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

4:22 PM Deane: when do they start serving pancakes? i get here like at 8am anyway
  Zack: WHY DO YOU GET HERE AT 8AM. I’m not even awake at that point.
4:23 PM Deane: my equinox class starts at 6/6:15am errryday, son. i like waking up early. makes me feel good about myself. then i eat birthday cake pancakes and $1 french toast.
4:25 PM me: i woke up at 8:30 today
  went to sleep cute woke up cute gif - bad girls club
4:26 PM Zack: Marion you own the internet. Seriously. Its so impressive.
Free Donuts.
Friday, February 14, 2014

heart-shaped donuts

I’m eating my feelings, and they taste delicious.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

wednesday addams family dancing gif

…or me after my annual review this week!

A generous raise plus a bonus big enough to pay off my credit card debt? YES, PLEASE. Money can’t buy me love, but it can buy that $500 bedding set I’ve been eyeballing at Anthropologie. And sometimes that’s enough to keep me warm at night.

Holiday Party.
Saturday, December 14, 2013

company holiday party

Happy hour followed by open bar at my company holiday party last night! Someone please bring me a breakfast burrito and gatorade. I’ll be in bed under the covers.

Happy Dance.
Monday, November 25, 2013

celebrate reaction gif dancing

28 pounds lighter and $175 richer!

This was me winning second place at my work’s weight-loss challenge last Friday. It’s a good thing I didn’t win first, because you wouldn’t be able to handle those dance moves!

I lost to some corporate lawyer who donated his winnings to a children’s hospital. Way to make me feel like an asshole! Ha. I already spent my share on Young the Giant tickets!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

zombie costume

Not gonna lie, I peed a little when I saw Lorenzo at work today.

Food Porn.
Sunday, October 13, 2013

freelance work

Partly to fund my Amazon addiction, but mostly because I hate myself, I picked up some freelance work designing eblasts for a cooking website during the holidays. I can feel my stomach eating itself looking at all this food porn right now…

Friday, October 11, 2013

iphone traffic

Unusually heavy traffic made my commute home from work today a whopping 7 minutes. Life’s rough sometimes.

Sweet Sabotage.
Monday, September 23, 2013


Just came back from my low fat, low carb, gluten-free lunch to this email from the cafe at work. HOW DARE YOU, SKECHERS.

Sometimes I think about how much I love cronuts, and I cry a little.

Holiday Weight.
Sunday, September 22, 2013

friends - joey ross - holiday weight friends - joey ross - holiday weight

My work is hosting its third weight loss challenge this year, and I’m joining for the third time! It ends the week before Thanksgiving… just in time to gain some holiday weight go shopping with my winnings πŸ˜‰ I’ve also decided to go gluten-free during the contest! Yikes. Thank yeezus for gluten-free vodka! I’m gonna need it…

Al Fresco.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

manhattan beach pier

On gorgeous days like today, my coworker and I like to eat our lunch outside on a bench like homeless people.

Secret Shame.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

text trash

Either they haven’t cleaned my desk out since I left my last job (almost a year ago!), or some squatter has taken up residence underneath my old desk…

Thursday, June 27, 2013

work conference

The highlight of my work conference was the free food trucks at lunch, obvi.

Coke Habit.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

work phone + coke

I start making bad choices around hour 13.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

ballast point manzanita brewing co craft beer

Finally starting my weekend after working 17 hours of overtime! Super bummed I missed cicLAvia and Anthony being in town. If there’s a silver lining in this, it’s that I can drown my sorrows in the beer he left at my apartment…

Saturday, June 22, 2013

earl of lemongrab adventure time sexy lingerie

…or how I wake up my coworker when we have to work on a Saturday.

Monday, June 17, 2013

mean girls eating lunch alone bathroom

They recently let go of all three of our web freelancers at work (a.k.a. my lunch buddies!).

One of them said that she misses hearing my laugh from across the office. She is the second person who has told me that. Today.

Sound must really travel in the advertising department! Yeah, that must be it…

Office Space.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

ipad mini gift

Damn, it feels good to a) be a gangsta and b) have your boss give you an iPad mini!

I only had to work on a Saturday. And sell my soul. No bigs!

Monday Mornings.
Monday, April 8, 2013

not hating life

Trying to stay awake while looking through hot model pics on my new iMac for this microsite I’m designing at work.

My life is so hard sometimes.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

modern family - cam - these feelings would go good with pie

9:30 in the morning might seem a bit early to chalk this day up as a loss, but I’m going to do it anyway. This does not bode well for my weekly weigh-in tomorrow.

Challenge Accepted.
Thursday, January 10, 2013

weight loss challenge

kevin hart - it's about to go down

Monday, January 7, 2013

working overtime

After putting in 20 hours of overtime this weekend, I don’t know what’s sadderβ€”is it that I had vending machine pop tarts for dinner, or that I know from experience that the lights automatically shut off at my work at midnight?

man jump out of window dead suicide gif

Rise & Grind.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

instagram coffee

…and maybe have some coffee, too πŸ˜‰

Thursday, November 1, 2012

work someecards fuck this shit friday thursday i still need these

Thursday, September 13, 2012

bladeless dyson fan

My art director asked if I needed any supplies like pens, post-its, a bladeless Dyson fan… no bigs!

The Landlord.
Monday, September 3, 2012
new girl stranger i met on the internet new girl stranger i met on the internet

After waking up every day at an unholy hour, driving upwards of 2 hours each way, putting 550 miles on my car, and paying $46 in toll fees to commute back and forth between my sister’s place in the OC and my job in Manhattan Beach, I’ve finally moved into my new place in Redondo Beach! I couldn’t be happier that I’m only 2 streets away from my work now.

When I found this steal on Craigslist and submitted my rental application, the landlord who lives upstairs mentioned that he loves Filipino food and has never met a Filipino he didn’t like. I mean… if he only leased the bottom floor of his townhouse to me because he thinks I know how to cook Filipino food, then he’s in for 3 months of disappointment!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

himym robin crying under desk

Everything happened so fast with the move that I didn’t have time to think about it. I’m so much happier at my new job, but I miss my friends. I miss my family. I miss my dog. Le’sigh.

Two, Please!
Monday, August 27, 2012


If heaven is a 6×8 glass-enclosed cubicle, then this is it.

I’m Out!
Friday, August 24, 2012

fuck you you're cool half baked

This post has been sitting in my drafts for the past year or two (or five), and today I finally get to publish this shiznittle bam snip snap sack!

Friday, August 17, 2012

the one with monica's thunder joey acting young sup

12:48 PM me: ugh i’m sooo over this fifty shades ppt
they keep making changes!
12:49 PM Jesse: sup with the wack ppt presentation sup
me: lolol

Chatting with you is the only thing I’m going to miss about work! It puts a smile on my face when you send me nick@nite texts and pictures of your 22″ hot dog, so try not to forget about me after I blow this popsicle stand!

New Position.
Sunday, August 12, 2012

will and grace and vince and nadine - Last night, I accepted a new position. Then, after my date left, I got a call about a new job. - Karen Walker

I’m officially the new Web Designer for Skechers! LA, here I come… Yikes!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

annual carwash

I guess it’s time for my annual car wash.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

happy endings penny hartz cleanse suicide happy endings penny hartz cleanse suicide
happy endings penny hartz cleanse suicide

I was roped into participating in an office juice cleanse. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and it kind of feels like the first day of school. Minus the fact that you get to eat solid foods that day. I’m pretty sure we’re all going to hate each other by EOD.

Some days I’d rather be homeless.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

i like this job only marginally more than i like being homeless - someecard

I went outside to grab something from my car when some creeper who works a few warehouses down tried to hit on me. He said that he has seen me around and has been meaning to introduce himself, all while staring at my chest! I hadn’t had any coffee yet, and I was not in the mood to be ogled. I told him I needed to get back to work, and he told my chest to come visit him anytime. Ugh. I truly wonder if he felt that went well.

I’m going to file this encounter under ‘reasons I need a new job,’ along with having to buy dental groupons because my work doesn’t provide basic dental insurance.

Cookie Dough Brownies.
Friday, April 27, 2012

cookie dough brownies

I baked these cookie dough brownies for my boss’ baby shower at work today. I don’t plan on eating any of them, but I’m sure I gained 3 pounds just thinking about it.

Also, I’m skipping the gym tonight. This has nothing and everything to do with brownies, but I mostly just wanted to get that off my chest.

Friday, April 13, 2012

someecard publicly unacceptable work

…although it’s questionable how publicly acceptable I look when I’m not at home!

Apparently, while I’m at work gchatting with my friends (which is frequentlyβ€”unless my boss is reading this, in which case it’s occasionally and only on nights and weekends), they’re at home wearing mascara while I’m out in public without a stitch of makeup on.

God forbid I run into the love of my life at Starbucks while wearing my yoga pants that, if we’re being honest, have never been worn to yoga.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


2:28 PM Jenni: we need someone to reenact the titanic pose for our facebook contest but no one wants to!
  why dont you and jesse do it? πŸ™‚
2:30 PM me: absolutely not
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

phils bbq office lunch

I instantly regret wearing jeans instead of leggings to work today. How can I stuff my face with Phil’s BBQ when my clothes are so binding?

Wake up, slut.
Monday, March 26, 2012

happy endings - wake up slut

Is it 5 o’clock yet?

Friday, March 23, 2012

zebra running man animated gif

3:14 PM Jesse: this friday is lasting foreverrrr
3:15 PM me: i’m just gonna watch this zebra doing the running man for the rest of the day

Oh, sweet jesus… there’s a video.

The Big Spill.
Monday, March 19, 2012

water broke

4:42 PM me: what happened by the water cooler?
  it looks like somebody’s water broke over there
4:43 PM Jesse: c’mon man!!!

Sometimes I feel bad for Jesse because he’s one of the only dudes in the office… but then I remember that he gets to work with me, and I don’t feel bad for him anymore! Ha πŸ˜‰

Thursday, March 8, 2012

let's go shit on coworkers in a more informal setting - someecard

Or… Belle, Jesse and me at happy hour last night.

4:06 PM Jesse: i wonder what they were saying about her
  me: idk dude, prob talking madddd shit
4:07 PM Jesse: obvi nothing as clever or funny as what we say
  me: well, obvi!
Saturday, February 4, 2012

macbook pro and domo sushi

Another Saturday night in working on my design portfolio and eating enough takeout from Domo Sushi to feed a small village.

My Saturday nights have been pretty wild lately.

Moving forward.
Sunday, January 29, 2012

it's not who you are that holds you back. it's who you think you're not

Monday, January 23, 2012

chinese new year red envelope

I picked the luckiest red envelope at work today! In other news, I’ve forgiven the white elephant gods for my booby prize.

Oh, cruel world.
Thursday, December 22, 2011

anthropologie birthday discount

Not only did I receive a reminder from Anthropologie that I’m turning thirty next month, but I also got stuck with a “family” frame (for the husband and kids I don’t have) at the white elephant gift exchange at my office today.

If only I had picked the booze that Jesse brought so I could drown my sorrows.

3:18 PM Jesse: so im going to the home depot parking lot in 15 minutes to buy nye tickets from dude off craigslist
  me: i hope you have your gat strapped
3:21 PM Jesse: if im not back in 30 minutes, call the police cuz ive likely been stabbed and robbed
  me: can i have your white elephant gift if you don’t come back?
3:22 PM Jesse: of course
All the livelong day.
Thursday, December 22, 2011

sony earbuds christmas gift

I’m pretty sure this is Jesse’s way of saying that he no longer appreciates hearing me blast Young the Giant in my shitty earbuds all the livelong day.

Merry Christmas to us both!

Friday, December 9, 2011

workplace rampage somee card

My co-worker Jesse just sent me this right now. Apparently, he couldn’t help but notice that my soul died a little more than usual at work today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

dead plant

I think it’s safe to assume that no one watered my plant while I was out of the office.

(It probably didn’t help that I never watered it while I was here, either.)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

angela viens fb post

Not only do I teach my interns how to polish a turd in photoshop, but I also encourage them to forego their grad school scholarships and follow their dreams.

Somewhere, right now, Angela’s grandma is giving me the stink eye.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

bridesmaids - are you fucking kidding me?

I find that my feelings toward work this week are best expressed through animated gifs. In addition, I really picked the most inopportune time to lay off the booze.

Worst. Day. Ever.
Monday, October 31, 2011

philip rivers - worst day ever - chargers chiefs

No lunch break at work, an hour of unpaid overtime, and a Chargers loss. Is my pet’s head gonna fall off next???

You said it, Rivers…

Happy birthday, Jesse!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

post it prank

Happy birthday to my BFF at work! I didn’t come in an hour early to post-it bomb just anyone’s desk πŸ˜‰ My appreciation for you runs deeper than your secret love for Hootie and the Blowfish. And I think we both know just how deep that is. Ha!

Friday, October 14, 2011


There’s an indirect correlation between the amount of work I get done and the number of gchats I have going at any given time. Today is Friday so… you do the math.

Something more.
Thursday, October 13, 2011

there must be something more

Survey says.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

aiga survey of design salaries

4:51 PM Christian: AIGA Survey of Design Salaries
4:52 PM me: i have this bookmarked at home
  i look at it every time i need a good cry
4:53 PM Christian: lol
Double Dipped.
Saturday, October 8, 2011

i'm double dipped in three shades of fuck - weeds

This was me after the recent layoffs at work these past few weeks.

Jesse said it was so quiet in the office yesterday that you could hear a mouse fart. My boss let go of half of our marketing team (including the two interns I wasted six months of my life training), and I’ve been given all of their marketing responsibilities. If I have to google how to do one more fucking Excel formula, I might have to cut a bitch. And since no one else is left, it might have to be Jesse. Or that farting mouse.

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