» work
Double Dipped.
Saturday, October 8, 2011

i'm double dipped in three shades of fuck - weeds

This was me after the recent layoffs at work these past few weeks.

Jesse said it was so quiet in the office yesterday that you could hear a mouse fart. My boss let go of half of our marketing team (including the two interns I wasted six months of my life training), and I’ve been given all of their marketing responsibilities. If I have to google how to do one more fucking Excel formula, I might have to cut a bitch. And since no one else is left, it might have to be Jesse. Or that farting mouse.

Heat wave.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


2:09 PM Jesse: what the hell is this weather
  me: someone turned the a/c off again!
2:10 PM Jesse: heads will roll
  me: that shit should always be on
  Jesse: seriously
  beezies can always put on a jacket
2:11 PM we can’t strip down
  not w/o being paid anyways

Shit is about to get real up in here. I’m either going to cut a bitch or take my pants off.

Untouched & Unused.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

jesse jt's

Yesterday, I brought my lunch and gym clothes to work.

My untouched ground turkey is still sitting in the fridge because Mary and I had 25¢ wings at JT’s instead, and my unused gym clothes are still neatly folded in the trunk of my car because Christian wanted to go to happy hour.

My work’s proximity to the bar is clearly foiling my plans to eat better and work out.

Monday, July 18, 2011 coupon

Should I consider it a warning sign that my manager sent me this coupon? I still haven’t decided whether I’m offended or secretly grateful! Ha. In her defense, she met her boyfriend on

As much as I hate having to charm my way into free drinks at bars, I just can’t bring myself to meet a guy in a place where 15% off coupons are accepted.

Extended Happy Hour.
Saturday, July 9, 2011

i'm glad you're not dead in a ditch somewhere

craziness and amazingness

I went to work yesterday morning, had happy hour (and a $200 tab according to my bank account!) at JT’s with my coworkers afterward, never made it home or to The Casbah as planned with Jessie last night, and woke up this morning in my coworker’s apartment.

Contrary to the last time I went out with all my work friends (AKA my manager’s drunken birthday disaster of 2008), I’m pretty sure we’ll all still be speaking to each other on Monday! Ha.

Chanandler Bong.
Thursday, July 7, 2011

paul walker running scared

9:06 AM Jesse: that rape van has been parked outside for like two weeks
  me: is there someone inside who needs our help?
  like in running scared… wait you’ve seen that right
9:07 AM Jesse: mmm i dont remember that part
  me: were you distracted by paul walker’s piercing blue eyes?
  i’m sure that was it
  Jesse: you know i must have been
  speaking of which
9:08 AM i rewatched casino royale and quantum of solace with daniel craig
  dude his eyes are like the color of windex
  me: omg there’s this movie i want to see
  with the transponder and clive owen
9:09 AM Jesse: you mean the transporter? jason statham?
  me: wait wait wait
  are you talking about daniel craig’s eyes right now lolol
  you know i was gonna say transporter, and then i was like no, it’s transponder… is that even a word

Yes, I got Jason Statham confused with Chandler Bing. And yes, this pretty much sums up what the rest of my day at work looked like.

Sleep Monster.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This is me every day at work around 4pm.

Heavy dose.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

man the fuck up someecards

4:08 PM Jesse: is it gay that i’m listening to unchained melody?
4:09 PM me: i’m not gonna lie… it’s a little bit gay
My favorite intern.
Friday, July 1, 2011

keige tom wallpaper

Meet KG, a marketing intern at work and my new desktop background (courtesy of my intern, Angela).

I told him that my shitty office chair made my back hurt, and he said, “Sit up straight. Like my mom used to tell me, ‘Tits to the wind!'”

He’s quickly replacing Christian as my favorite intern (sorry, Ang! Ha!).

Sweet aroma.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
10:31 AM Jesse: you smell cigs?
  me: not over here
  just my own sweet aroma
10:32 AM Jesse: close your legs
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
10:41 AM Jesse: you look mad skinny
  i really noticed when you came over to help out angela
  i thought it was someone else!
10:42 AM me: thanks, man 🙂 coming from someone who sees me 40 hours a week, it’s nice that you noticed!
10:43 AM Jesse: for sure! lookin good 🙂

In related news, Jesse is officially forgiven for writing this love note on my car:

dirty car windshield

Friday, March 18, 2011

aloha pink lei

I haven’t had a vacation in… what year is it now?

My Hawaii trip with the girls was before Chel got married, before Pammie bought a condo in the OC, before Shi was the maid of honor in three different weddings, and before I sold my soul to the company I work for. I only have ten months left till my dirty thirty, and I’d like to live a little before I start extreme couponing for Olay Regenerist. Just kidding. I’m Asian—I fully intend to look like I’m twenty-something well into my forties.

With two new graphic design interns starting this month, I think I might be able to take an actual vacation this summer. And maybe I’ll even be bikini-ready by then! Okay, maybe just tankini-ready… let’s not write checks my body can’t cash.

Hipster Alert.
Friday, March 4, 2011

hipster nerd black rimmed glasses

Jesse: hipster alert
Me: what’s she wearing?
Jesse: all black. rivers cuomo glasses.
Me: wait, are you talking about me or the girl who’s here for the interview???

Chez Nous.
Thursday, March 3, 2011

chez nous spicy chicken melt

I love when my preggo co-worker’s husband brings her Chez Nous, because that means I get Chez Nous, too! Their spicy chicken melt fixes things in the universe. Throw in some garlic parm fries, and we have a meal I’d ask to marry me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

modern family cam free wheelin'

This was me realizing that my blouse was unbuttoned and my boobs were exposed after I interviewed this tall drink of water who applied for our graphic design internship today.

Lemonade Stand.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

comic sans lemonade stand

I’m looking for a graphic design intern to assist me with overflow work. If you’re well-versed in Photoshop/HTML, don’t mind working with a bunch of female twenty-somethings, and kick ass in Taboo, please respond to our Craigslist ad here.

Needless to say, the guy who sent me his cover letter in Comic Sans will not be getting a call back from me.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

valentine's day hearts

Arlene’s 7-year-old daughter, Gisella, made me a Valentine’s Day card at school because she knew I didn’t have a Valentine this year. Thanks for the reminder, kid! Haha. I love that little munchkin. I would pin her card up in my cube at work, but it’d be overshadowed by Belle’s gaggle of heart-shaped balloons!

27 Inches.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I got my sexy new monitor at work today:

new monitor

Jesse: all the girls were gushing when belle & jen got their flowers & balloons & shit
Me: oh for fuck’s sake… good thing i was off on monday
Jesse: it was pretty barftastic… not that we’re bitter or anything
Me: pfffft. who needs a man when i have 27″ right here in my face?

Paper. Snow. A Ghost!
Saturday, February 12, 2011

friends - the one where the stripper cries - joey on pyramid - paper snow a ghost

When I came into work on Friday, they told all the employees we were going to have a mandatory meeting at noon. Jesse and I went crazy trying to figure out what sparked this unexpected meeting—Were they laying people off? Did they find out that Jesse drank that unclaimed Red Bull in the fridge? Are my yoga pants too casual for Casual Friday???

Four hours later, I found out that my stomach fell out of my butt for nothing. They surprised us with a 30-minute break from work to play Taboo: Marketing vs. Customer Service!

Krystal: It’s something you might eat for breakfast
Me: Pancakes. French toast. Eggs. A biscuit!
Krystal: It’s fluffier.
Me: What’s fluffier than a biscuit???

We won (even though I couldn’t think of anything fluffier than a biscuit), so the customer service department has to make us coffee every day next week!

My annual review was amazeballs, my boss ordered me a 27″ cinema display to show her appreciation, and our marketing team smoked customer service in Taboo. Work was def good to me this week.

Friday, September 17, 2010

all the coffee in colombia won't make me a morning person

Our office hours are changing, and I’m expected to be bright eyed and bushy tailed an hour earlier than usual starting Monday. FML.

(photo via *December Sun)

Lucy, you know I don’t speak Mexican.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

brownies with peanut butter frosting

I’m not sure how I got swindled into baking brownie bites with peanut butter frosting for the Cinco de Mayo potluck at my work when a) I don’t even eat anything at the potlucks because I Lean Cuisine it during the week and b) what the hell do brownies with peanut butter frosting have to do with Cinco de Mayo? Someone scribbled “Marion’s brownies” on the sign-up sheet underneath the guacamole and tortilla chips. Freak ass freaks. You bring something good once, and people just won’t let you forget about it.

Risky operation.
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jesse: almost there…
mayanrocks: you all wired out?
Jesse: wired out?
mayanrocks: are you done watching your dvd set of the wire?
Jesse: ohhhh. im on the 3rd epsiode of the last season. i got mass effect and havent touched the dvds in the past three days lol
mayanrocks: you usually get me. i don’t even know who you are right now.
Jesse: i know seriously…im like delirious right now. i haven’t had any coffee today.
mayanrocks: you almost done with the game?
Jesse: it’s like a 30-40 hr game and im only like 11 hours in so far.
mayanrocks: !
Jesse: thats nothing, the last game i got back in november, dragon age… thats like a 40 hr game at its shortest and ive logged in 100 hrs between my two characters. lol jesus im such a nerd.
mayanrocks: so… you gonna get metal legs pretty soon?
Jesse: i’m thinking about it… it’s a risky operation, but it’ll be worth it.

Working with people who get my pop culture references is the only thing that helps me keep my sanity—especially on days like this when I have to finish four newsletters and three homepage banners in one week because this Monday is a holiday, and deadlines don’t care about your scheduled days off (even if they’re unpaid).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

babybel pyramid

Jesse: You’re such a dork
mayanrocks: says the guy with the cheese wax pyramid on his desk!
Jesse: Hey, that’s artistry you philistine!
Jesse: I need to buy more yellow Babybels to accent the sides
Jesse: God, I’m such a dork

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I miss Hawaii. The food. The beaches. The weather. The lomi lomi massages. The BOYS. Sure, I can eat kalua pig and spam musubi at any one of the L&L joints in San Diego. And sure, I can pick up entire loaves of taro bread at any of the Asian supermarkets in San Diego. And sure, I can go to any beach I want in San Diego. And fine, the weather is pretty much the same in San Diego most of the year. But do we have Hawaiian boys over here? Maybe. But it’s not the same. The more I travel out of San Diego, the more I’m convinced I’ve exhausted my stay here. They closed my favorite dive bar earlier this month, and if that’s not a sign that I should get out of here, I don’t know what is. Hawaii is so laid back. I consider San Diego pretty laid back. At least more laid back than LA or NYC. But Hawaii is ridiculously laid back. Like telling us to meet in front of the hotel at nine in the morning to be driven to the moped rental store and us showing up ten minutes early and waiting twenty five minutes for someone to arrive kind of laid back. And I like to consider myself a laid back, no worries kind of girl. Even when we were transferring boats to go from jet skiing to parasailing, we were hurrying to take our life jackets off and cross over and the HOT! parasailing instructor said, “There’s no rush, darlin’… This is Hawaii.” That was probably the exact moment I decided I wanted to marry that man stay there forever. Yet here I am… blogging from the Valley. Hawaii was just so amazing. I plan to revisit again and again in this lifetime. My vacation couldn’t have been any more perfect. I miss the girls already. I miss trying to sleep through their symphony of snoring (okay, maybe they miss trying to sleep through my snoring). I miss waking up to Shi singing “Morning’s here.” I miss Chel sticking her fish eye camera in my face. I can’t wait till our next trip together. Until then, it’s back to the real world! Boo whore.

The real world ain’t so bad, though… Since I’ve been back, I’ve received an unexpected promotion at my second job where I’ve been a graphic design intern for the past couple of months. All of a sudden, I found myself putting my two weeks in at AAA. I’m sad to be leaving, but I just can’t pass this promotion up! Starting next month, I’ll have nights and weekends off. I won’t know what to do with myself. I suppose I could go to the gym and lose all that weight I planned to lose BEFORE going to Hawaii. And all that weight I gained while I was IN Hawaii. Or I could just have more time to blog about how much I want to lose weight while snacking on these chocolate covered macadamia nuts I brought home from Hawaii…

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