My calves burn with the fire of a thousand suns after this beach hike with the girls, but it was worth it to hang out with this baby pancake ♥
Quote of the day:
What are you supposed to wear to this kind of thing?
Chel hasn’t worked out since before she was preggo, but she’s still skinnier than the rest of us! Boo whore.
awesome day! let’s plan out our new bods! lol!
March 26th, 2012 | #
this website has a list of local half marathons you can run and i can cheer for you at! ha. i’ll let you know if i choose hiking with you over kickboxing tomorrow. and by kickboxing i mean catching up on dexter in my chones. just kidding. i promise i’ll do some form of physical activity tomorrow :p
March 26th, 2012 | #
think i might buy an ab wheel today. i remember using arlene’s and it’s much more challenging than the ab roller. plus, my ab roller is broken. let’s get on this bitch!
March 30th, 2012 | #
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! love you guys!
March 30th, 2012 | #