One of the few designer accessories I’ll splurge on is my glasses—partly because I wear them 24/7 (even in the shower if there’s a spider in the bathroom… yikes!), but mostly because the last time I got my eyes checked may or may not have been during the Clinton regime. Clearly, I need quality that lasts.
Nobody needs a Marc by Marc Jacobs laptop case. Or iPhone wristlet. Or tablet case. But I’ve been eyeballing them all day today, and I’ve decided that I can’t live without them!
Maybe if I had used protection sooner, a binder clip wouldn’t be holding my Macbook Pro together right now.
goodness! you bought all 3?! Merry Christmas to you!
June 20th, 2012 | #
not yet… i just bought pammie an ipad, so i’m gonna have to wait till my next paycheck to get myself something nice!
gotta keep my credit cards clear in case i go to vienna or something 😉
June 20th, 2012 | #