Say hello to my new Mazda3!
I def have a type. I would’ve replaced my Matrix with another, but Toyota discontinued them last year, and I really wanted to buy myself a brand new car. After driving a rental for almost a month, I finally found a car that I love! It’s a charcoal gray hatchback just like my Matrix was, except it looks a lot sleeker, has power steering (which I thought I had this whole time until I drove a car that actually had power steering), and bluetooth so I can listen to my Young the Giant spotify playlist instead of my Young the Giant CD, among other upgrades. I feel like I’m driving my Matrix when I’m in it.
Maybe I should’ve kept $5,000 from my insurance settlement to pay to find me a date who looks just like my ex, too.
One…all i want is bluetooth in my new whip. And two…dear God! Match is just appalling. Genius…but appalling! Smh.
June 24th, 2014 | #
srsly, bluetooth makes sitting in LA traffic almost bearable! almost.
yeah, at first i was like, who wants to date someone who looks like their ex??? i see the appeal, though… you can def look at a guy and be like, yep, mayan would date the shit out of that bearded asshole.
i can’t wait to see you this weekend and hear all about your eurotrip, you brat! ♥
June 24th, 2014 | #
Im sure none of my exes had anything in common, in terms of physical features. Their affinity for being assholes is the only trait a majority of them share. =/ =D #noemoticonsallowed
Until this weekend, my love!
June 27th, 2014 | #