I love Michelle Buteau. She was the host of season 2 of Barbecue Showdown and she has a hilarious new show on Netflix, Survival of the Thickest. Before this, I’d seen her in a number of romcoms where she played the sidekick or a minor B character. I’m so glad she’s finally starring in her own show!
When my speech therapist suggested I read a book out loud to help with my voice (pretty much the only thing still noticeably affected by the strokes), I amazon primed Michelle Buteau’s book so fast.
Pretty sure imma still make u repeat urself a couple times when we’re having a convo. But if I nod and my response doesnt make sense, just know ive given up tryna hear anything and u can go about ur business lol
July 20th, 2023 | #
actual footage of us in the future lol
July 21st, 2023 | #