» Shooting.
Posted on October 28th, 2023 in san diego


It was after 9pm last Friday, so I was already in bed LOL and I could see fireworks going off from my bedroom window, probably from a nearby high school football game. I get up to tell Pammie, and she thought it was gunshots! I was like, “Where do you think you live???” She and her husband lived in the OC for 15 years before moving back SD. My sister’s husband is probably the most hood person I know, and he was born and raised in eastside! You would think they’d be comfortable amongst their people down here, but they got used living in predominantly white neighborhoods with no crime 😅

Tonight, there was an actual shooting at the brewery across the street, and the suspects are still at large. Maybe LA has made me indifferent to this shit, but I’m not concerned. I remember we were at a bar in Chicago, and the bartender had to tell this crazy customer to leave and Donna and I were just completely unbothered, drinking our cocktails while sober Pammie over here was freaking out. I’m just used to being around crazy people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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