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Posted on September 11th, 2010 in exercise, food and drink

hiking sushi

Last night after work, I wanted to do nothing more than go home and veg in my chones pajamas. I must have had a stroke when I agreed to hike Torrey Pines instead with Shi. The view from the top was worth jogging the straightaway (and then some!). Afterward, we had spicy lobster rolls at RB Sushi in our gym clothes and caught up on our love lives (or lack thereof—I’ll let you guess whose was lacking).


  1. Shi was all like...

    When did you take that pic of the view?! sigh…i do love torrey pines. Not too many places make me happier =)

    Your baked lobster roll was delish. I know i’ll probably end up having an embolism trying to decide between the baked lobster or the spicy lobster crunch next time I’m there!

    love spending time with you, babes =)

    September 13th, 2010 | #

  2. mayan was all like...

    i took it when we were stretching on the beach trail! i’m still sore from friday, but i did go to the gym on saturday, too. and i’ve been eating pretty well, so hopefully i can keep this going 🙂 don’t think i won’t pass you up haha (i wish!)

    i’ve been craving that baked lobster roll! too bad rb is sooo far. i mean… we were driving. and driving. and driving some more. but it was totally worth it! gotta find something like that south of the 8.

    fun times with you as always (even though you made me jog)!

    September 13th, 2010 | #

  3. Shi was all like...

    You probably won’t pass me up since all you do is cardio. but im sure ill start worrying when you start strength training…FASHO! =)

    I know! while i was driving, i was like, “i bet you she thinks this place is off in another distant land!” =)

    HEY! you know that jog felt good! and you did it like a champ!

    September 13th, 2010 | #

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