» Dirty Sanchez.
Dirty Sanchez.
Posted on September 21st, 2010 in concerts, food and drink, music

analog phoenix

Happy hour with the girls at Analog before the Phoenix show at SDSU tonight. We all had tall boys and totchos (nachos with tots instead of chips!) to start. I wanted to get something different this time, so I went with the Dirty Sanchez (grilled cheese with jalapenos and bacon). What was once my favorite move is now my favorite sandwich! Just kidding. (It’s not my favorite sandwich.)

Phoenix was amazeballs. Thomas Mars sang a French lullaby to me. And 4,600 others. But mostly just me.

“Rome” was def my fave performance:
[audio: – Rome.mp3]

Always and forever more
We’re together dead and lonely
I thought I couldn’t do this without you
Single in his bed somewhere
Ashes still it fall, fall, falls



  1. shi was all like...

    you know…I woooould look up what the move “dirty sanchez” entails…but I think i’ll pass. no need for visuals!


    September 27th, 2010 | #

  2. mayan was all like...

    i considered adding a link to it, but i thought if you didn’t know what it was, i’d spare you the details haha. it’s one of those things that just can’t be unseen! sort of like your hide and seek / marco polo game. lolol.

    September 27th, 2010 | #

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