Looking for a job is a job in and of itself. This will be my THIRD job in the past six months! Gah. Red Envelope has ruined me. I ♥ my Illuminations girls, but I hate the 30-minute commute back and forth, the traffic, the scarce distribution of hours, and the $87 paycheck I just received for two weeks. I made more than $87 in ONE DAY working at Red Envelope. I want to get a job at the bank, but my crazy school schedule won’t really permit it since most banks aren’t open in the evening or Sundays. Hopefully Meehchelle can hook me up with a teacher’s assistant job at Sylvan in Bonita or La Mesa. Or maybe The Living Room will hire me, since they’re open till two in the morning every day. Errol said he’d visit me in between classes at SDSU if I worked there. Hehe. I’m sure I’d be seeing a lot of Meehchelle, too 😉 Anyway, I hope I get this whole work situation settled within the next month. If you know someplace nearby that’s hiring and you think I wouldn’t mind working there, please give me a call. Hopefully, my cell phone won’t be disconnected by the time you read this.