» Wild.
Posted on February 4th, 2012 in food and drink, work

macbook pro and domo sushi

Another Saturday night in working on my design portfolio and eating enough takeout from Domo Sushi to feed a small village.

My Saturday nights have been pretty wild lately.


  1. r was all like...

    weird. i had domo for the first time saturday night. pretty good for a spot in a santucky strip mall..

    February 6th, 2012 | #

  2. m was all like...

    i thought that was you… i was picking up my order, and i wouldn’t have seen you if it wasn’t for that rousing rendition of happy birthday coming from your table. i would have stopped and said hi, but i had perishables (among other reasons). maybe you’ll run into me again in another ten years if you’re lucky!

    February 6th, 2012 | #

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