» harry potter
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The new Ministry of Magic inside The Wizarding World of Harry Potter opens at Universal Orlando this year, but I hate Trump more than I love Disney or Universal Studios (I barely even go to the ones we have in SoCal), so you won’t find me in Florida or any other red state in the foreseeable future.


Can’t believe we have four more years of this bullshit πŸ™„

Monday, December 16, 2024

harry potter christmas tree

When your sister’s birthday is the week before Christmas and she’s a Potterhead ⚑

Halloween at Hogwarts.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024

halloween harry potter

When your sister’s a Potterhead and you love Halloween ⚑

halloween harry potter

We always go whenever the Padres have a Harry Potter theme night πŸ’›βšΎπŸ’™βšΎπŸ’šβšΎβ€οΈ

halloween harry potter

This door cover from Spirit was perfection πŸ•―οΈ

halloween decor

It’s a bit much, but so is this house. Also, I don’t half-ass anythingβ€”I always use my full ass 😜

Pammie gave me full creative control over the Halloween decorations at her house, as long as it was Harry Potter themed.

We started it last weekend, but needed to order more supplies, so we finished it this weekend. When I was leaving to go back to LA last Sunday, I was like, ‘Don’t finish it without me!’ and Pammie was like, ‘You had to twist my arm to help you while you were here, I’m def not gonna do it without you’ πŸ˜…

We followed this tutorial and it turned out so great!


Also, Pammie put out her Christmas Harry Potter decor because we had leftover fiberfill and she couldn’t wait 2 days.

halloween harry potter christmas

halloween christmas

Sunday, October 6, 2024


I don’t remember what I wore yesterday, but I remember what you said in the group chat on November 22, 2022 at 4:43pm 🀭

Also, I don’t know what my blood type is, but I know for damn sure I’m a Hufflepuff πŸ’›πŸ–€

Halloween Baking Championship.
Monday, September 23, 2024

harry potter birthday cart

Lillian is a home chef based in San Diego, and she made my sister’s Harry Potter cake for her birthday a few years ago.

halloween baking championship

She’s on the new season of Food Network’s Halloween Baking Championship and today’s theme was Beetlejuice! It’s showtime! Let’s gooo πŸ–€πŸ’š

Steamy Hallow.
Saturday, September 21, 2024

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

Since Pammie visited me in LA this weekend, I took her to this Harry Potter themed cafe nearby inside Del Amo mall in Torrance.

steamy hallow harry potter cafe

Pammie ordered Goblin Snot (an iced matcha with white chocolate cream) and I got Phoenix Tears (passionfruit and mango sparkling refresher with lemonade topped with edible gitter). Phoenix Tears have immense healing powers (according to Harry Potter Wiki) ✨

The cafe was cute, but my sister has better Harry Potter decor in her house πŸ˜† They could definitely work on their marketing and branding. Our iced cups, for example, should have stickers with their logo on it. ‘Snot’ and ‘Tears’ were just scribbled on our cups with a sharpie πŸ˜… My graphic designer eyes are very judgy πŸ‘€

harry potter snape judging you gif

Harry Potter x Padres.
Monday, September 2, 2024

padres harry potter theme night

padres harry potter theme night

Harry Potter x Padres (@ Petco Park)

Pammie: There are a lot of Slytherins here.

Me: Look, that guy’s wearing a cape!
Pammie: That’s not a cape, it’s a robe.
Me: Well, that other guy’s wearing an actual robe *points at guy wearing a bath robe* LOL

Unfinished Beef.
Sunday, July 7, 2024

I’ll be at Petco Park at the Harry Potter Padres Theme Game that day, but I’ll be wearing my ‘Let Joey Eat’ shirt seeing how many bacon-wrapped hot dogs I can eat from Randy Jones Grill (is it still a contest if you’re the only one participating?) ✊🏻🌭

Sunday, June 23, 2024

hbo throne games comic

I was eating dinner, and my sister and her husband were watching House of the Dragon. I don’t watch it, so I was like, ‘Who’s that? Why’s everyone sad? What’s happening?’ and I was met with this look πŸ˜…

seriously gif

My toxic trait is that I talk and ask questions during TV shows/movies. I watched Game of Thrones when it first came out, but I stopped watching after they killed off Jason Momoa in the first season. I started watching it again from the 2nd season during the 7th season when I found out the 8th season was gonna be the final one. I was like, ‘How come no one talks about Rob Stark? He’s fine as hell!’ and Pammie was like, ‘Uhh…’ πŸ˜… Spoiler alert: Rob Stark dies in season three.

Donna and her husband were vacationing on the coast, and she sent us a picture of the beach and was like, ‘David says this is where Dobby’s grave is!’ and I was like, ‘Dobby dies?!?!’ I’ve only watched the first four Harry Potter movies, so I didn’t know Dobby was murdered in the 7th movie. The last Harry Potter movie came out in 2011, so it’s my own damn fault for getting spoiled.

Me: Anyone else die in the movies?
Pammie: Sirius.
Me: What?! Wait, who’s Sirius again?
Pammie: Sirius Black. Harry Potter’s godfather.
Me: Ohhh. I confused him with Severus Snape.
Pammie: He dies, too.
Me: What?!

I’ve somehow avoided finding out the ending of Lost, even though the finale aired in 2010 πŸ˜…

Alohomora + Axolotls.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

kd bday gifts

When your favorite 8-year-old loves Harry Potter and axolotls πŸ’•

I was in Spain for her birthday, but I’m seeing her mom for dinner tonight. Christine messaged yesterday saying she missed our cackles and wanted to hang. We hang out all the time, but it’s usually for a special occasion (birthdays, holidays, Justin Timberlake concerts, etc. LOL). The last time I remember her asking if we were free out of the blue was when she told us she was pregnant 😳 She has since had three kids and her tubes tied, so I don’t think we’re gonna have any special announcements tonight (at least not of that nature). I would say it’s to discuss JT’s DUI this morning, but she asked to hang out yesterday so 😜

kd bday gifts
kd bday gifts

Anyway, can’t wait for chismΓ© and cackles tonight!

Love Language.
Saturday, February 10, 2024

vday gift bag

My sister’s husband heard me huffing and puffing up their stairs and he’s like, β€œWhat you got there?” and I was like, β€œTarget delivery. I bought all this candy for Valentine’s Day.” And he’s like, β€œYou making gift bags? You’re such a good friend doing this every holiday, but I’ve never seen someone send you a gift bag!” I’m not the kind of person who gives expecting something in return Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― Giving is my love language, y’all β€οΈπŸ’• Well, BBQ is also my love language (I’m hella lingual).

Valentine’s Day may be a made up holiday, but these goodies are very real πŸ˜‹

harry potter on godric shirt

I also made these matching “On Godric” shirts for my sister and her husband. I’m not hood or a Potterhead (so I’ve never said, “on God,” and def have never said, “on Godric” LOL) and IDK what the fuck this dude is saying, but Pammie and D like him πŸ˜†

Empire State of Mind.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

I usually like to let my birthday pass without much fanfare (one year, Shi was like, “Am I just supposed to sit across from you at dinner and not acknowledge it’s your birthday?!”). I spent my last birthday in the hospital, so I decided to celebrate this trip around the sun.

A lot of iconic NYC eateries have since opened in LA (Roberta’s, Levain Bakery, Halal Guys, Langer’s Deli, Shake Shack, and Magnolia Bakery among others), but there’s still lots of places to try over here!

let's watch horror movies shirt

I have TSA pre-check because of my global entry enrollment, but my boots set off the metal detectors, so I had to take off my shoes and run them through the x-ray. I was wearing my Let’s Watch Horror Movies shirt, and I was like, “Are you sure it wasn’t the chainsaw on my shirt that set it off?” but no one was amused by my joke πŸ˜…

We took the red eye to NYC and got there at five in the morning. We flew JetBlue Mint so we could comfortably get some shut-eye on our overnight flight.

Actual footage of us in first class:

wonka premium economy gif

Sidenote: IDK why it bothers me so much that TimotheΓ© Chalamet is dating Kylie Jenner. That’s a straight up lie, I know exactly why it bothers me. I’ve loved everything I’ve ever seen TimotheΓ© Chalamet in, and I can’t stand the Kardashians/Jenners. Plus, I was so annoyed at the Golden Globes, Kieran Culkin (who won best actor in a drama series for Succession) didn’t even have seats with his wife, while Kylie was sitting front and center at TimotheΓ©’s table. Like who even are you? I’m such a hater πŸ˜…

While I was laying flat, I heard something fall and didn’t think anything of it till we were deboarding the plane, when I was looking for my phone and couldn’t find it. I had already put the seat back up and my phone was stuck between the seat and the mechanism that makes the seat fold into a bed. Needless to say, my screen was shattered when I was able to get it out πŸ˜… That’s what I get for talking shit about Kylie Jenner LOL.

night cap

We ordered some night caps before snoozing on the plane. I got their signature cocktail (Mint Condition), while Pammie got a chamomile tea and a virgin bloody mary LOL. I’ve never had a bloody mary with no vodka before!

plaza hotel nyc

Home for the weekend (The Plaza)

Partly because we got 40,000 Southwest points for booking this hotel, but mostly because Macauley Culkin stayed here in Home Alone 2.

Me: How much for the Kevin McCallister suite?
Internet: Nearly five grand a night.
Me: I’ll just book the cheapest room they have available, thank yew.

This is like the first time I went to NYC twenty years ago and went to Supreme to get something for Julz, and was like, “How much for this Nike necklace?” (it was just a dunk on a silver ball chain) and the guy was like, “two fifty,” and I was like, “$2.50? I’ll take two!” and the guy was like, “two hundred fifty,” and I was like, “Oh, I’ll take none then.” πŸ˜…

grimace crocs

I brought my Grimace Crocs I got for Christmas in case this hotel was too fancy πŸ˜…


Bagels for breakfast (@ Ess-A-Bagel)

We went here last time we were in NYC, and the bagels were sooo good. I also grabbed a bagel and iced coffee at Skyline Deli and Grill in Brooklyn, and it was just as good! New York really knows their shit when it comes to bagels.

tarot cards

“You brought your tarot cards, but you didn’t bring any winter clothes???”

I run hot, so I packed pretty light. I just brought 4 pairs of warm leggings, socks, a nice tank top blouse for Moulin Rouge, 3 days of t-shirts, a pair of boots, my winter coat with the faux-fur lined hood, a beanie and some gloves. It’s a good thing I packed light, because Pammie had to put some of her Harry Potter haul in my luggage going home.


This s’mores hot chocolate was everything the internet promised it would be (@ Glace)

We got there before all the kids got out of school, so there wasn’t much of a line yet. While we were waiting for a taxi, this kid walking by asks her dad, “Daddy, what are all these people waiting for?” and he was like, “They’re just a bunch of TikTokers waiting for hot chocolate.” πŸ˜‚

all'antico nyc

La Summer (@ All’Antico Vinaio)

We invited our cousin from LA because she mentioned wanting to go to NY the last time she visited. This was the one place she wanted to go to, and they had a location right by our hotel. They had a pop-up at Mozza2Go in LA last year,  but sold out before she could get any. I’ve eaten at one of Nancy Silverton’s other restaurants, Pizzeria Mozza, and anything good enough for her is good enough for me! This italian sandwich shop def didn’t disappoint.

the rink at rockefeller center

Toe pick ⛸️ (@ The Rink at Rockefeller Center)

The last couple times I’ve been in New York was during the summer and this rink closes in April. I’ve always wanted to go ice skating here! I was so scared to go ice skating because my balance has been off since the strokes. Apparently, your iPhone measures your walking steadiness now, and I recently got this notification that I’m a fall risk πŸ˜… I held on to the wall the entire time, but I’m glad I went!

Grand Central Terminal

luke's lobster

We hit up Grand Central Terminal, because there’s a food hall inside of it. I had a lobster roll and a mule from Luke’s Lobster. The lobster tastes so much more fresh when they don’t have to fly it to the west coast!

I wasn’t planning on going to Magnolia since I’ve been to the one in LA, but they had a location inside the food hall, so I had to get some banana pudding.

moulin rouge musical

moulin rouge musical

Spectacular, spectacular (@ Al Hirschfield Theatre)

Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies, and the Broadway musical was amazing! It easily tops Waitress as my favorite musical ever. When we were getting snacks before the show, we asked the guy at concessions if they had any real food because we hadn’t eaten yet, and he was like, “Sorry, we don’t. The hibachi’s getting installed tomorrow.” LOL.

harry potter ny

If you need me, I’ll be at the Butterbeer Bar (@ Harry Potter NY)

Pammie was in heaven and spent hours at the Harry Potter store, while my cousin (who’s never seen a Harry Potter movie) and I drank butterbeer and ate butterbeer soft serve.

katz's deli

My favorite place to fake an orgasm (@ Katz’s Deli)

katz's deli

We had to go here after recently watching When Harry Met Sally in the theater. The pastrami sandwich was def orgasm-inducing, and so was the guy who helped us (S/O to Julian!) 😜

nyc starbucks roastery

My sister fell in love with espresso martinis at the Starbucks Reserve Roastery we went to in Chicago (even though she doesn’t usually like coffee or vodka!), so when we found out there was a roastery in NYC, we had to go here (@ Starbucks Reserve Roastery)

nyc desserts

We couldn’t go to NY without getting a quintessential black and white cookie and cheesecake from Junior’s.

starbucks roastery nyc

When my sister’s husband found out we were going to NYC, he showed me this video where they try the world’s most expensive cereal from this bakery in Brooklyn.

They only make a limited amount of boxes and they sell out every morning, so we went there at an unholy hour and were the first people in line. I once stood in line in LA for 2 hours for Howlin’ Rays Hot Chicken the morning after I got absolutely trashed at a music festival, so this was nothing compared to that πŸ˜… We got a box each, so it was worth it. I also got a raspberry almond croissant here that was *chef’s kiss*.


Coney Island closes the boardwalk and rides during the winter, but Nathan’s is still open! I had the best hot dog ever (although I was bummed I took that packet of relish out of my purse from the last time I ate a Costco hot dog LOL). I’ll def have to come back here during the summer to watch the hot dog eating contest live (I watch it on TV with bated breath every 4th of July).

hometown bar-b-que

Checked another one off my BBQ Bucket List (@ Hometown Bar-B-Que)

When planning my trip, I looked up BBQ in NYC and went to add this place in Brooklyn to my BBQ Bucket List and saw it was already on there!

nyc snow

It started snowing while we were there. BBQ and snow??? It doesn’t get more magical than that.

When I got off the plane when we arrived, I felt hot and nauseous so I sat down. I ended up having to run to the bathroom and blowing chunks all over the first stall. I’m sorry to the pissed cleaner that had to clean it all up πŸ˜… Last night when I was in bed around midnight, I felt hot and nauseous again. The heat was cranked up in our hotel room because it was so cold outside, so I was sleeping in my underwear. I ran to the bathroom with no pants on and threw up all the BBQ I ate earlier. The only common denominator when I threw up Friday morning and Sunday night was that I had BBQ both days. Can I not eat BBQ anymore??? I was gonna smoke my first brisket next weekend for when the girls come over for my birthday, but now I’m scared to eat BBQ. Usually, if I get sick after eating something, I never eat it again (this is why I don’t eat strawberry ice cream or chicken fried steak LOL), but it’s BBQ! I can’t give that up…

aura photographs

We couldn’t go to NYC without getting updated photos of our auras taken in Chinatown.

I once went to a festival in LA where they were charging triple the price to photograph your aura. Another vendor at the same festival gave me a paper boba straw when I ordered a drink! Fucking LA πŸ˜… I used to keep a box of plastic straws in the trunk of my car for when Nori and I would go to Starbucks on our lunch break because plastic is banned in Manhattan Beach. I can’t with the paper straws! (Calm down, I recycle. Get off me).

artichoke basille's pizza

Last meal in NYC (@ Artichoke Basille’s Pizza)

I would eat pizza every day if I could, and my favorite style is New York (I love a thin crust, none of that Chicago deep-dish bullshit). I love that there’s pizzerias on every corner and they all taste good!

jetblue mint

The last time we flew home from NYC, Pammie watched Harry Potter, while I watched Homicide for the Holidays. This time, she watched another Harry Potter movie while I watched true crime on the ID channel. We haven’t changed.

christmas tree

I saw so many Christmas trees dumped on the side of the street. The holidays and my birthday are officially over, and they were spectacular ❀️

Wizards at Work.
Friday, January 5, 2024

door hanger

Pammie works out of her bedroom, so she got this Harry Potter door hanger so her husband doesn’t ask her if she wants to smoke while she’s on a zoom call, and I don’t bust in with no pants on to look out her window and see if my favorite dog, Lucille, is sunbathing on the balcony next door πŸ˜…

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

harry potter christmas tree

My sister had a real Christmas tree last year, but didn’t want to deal with vacuuming all the needles and having to trash it afterwards again, so she got this artificial one.

aroma360 scent cold diffuser

She and her husband love the real tree smell, though, so I got some fraser fir fragrance oil for my scent diffuser, and now it smells like Christmas up in this bitch.

FYI if you didn’t already know, my sister is a Potterhead.

Spooky Sunday Shit.
Sunday, October 22, 2023

halloween decor

halloween decor

When my sister ordered this Harry Potter doormat, I was like, “This home is four stories with a private rooftop and elevator. It is much.” I finally convinced her to put it outside (she had it on the inside of the door because she didn’t want anyone to steal it LOL). I was like, “Ain’t nobody gonna steal this shit!” 🀣

They didn’t get any trick or treaters last year, but I might put out a bowl of candy for the Amazon delivery guys.

Pad Squad.
Saturday, September 2, 2023

fairweather rooftop

Getting sloppy (@ Fairweather Bar)

Don’t worry, I bought a new Padres hat to wear at the game. My old one is probably under my Dodgers hat in my apartment in LA. I only wore the Dodgers hat when I had bedhead or to avoid getting shanked at Dodger Stadium. Jessie was like, “Didn’t you get a Padres hat at the Harry Potter game?” And I was like, “Pammie says those are for display only” LOL.

Love this girl and watching the game from here (@ Lexus Club)

When Jessie showed up at my parents’ house with the uber, my mom was like, “It’s just you two???” concerned as fuck (you get roofied once and no one lets you forget about it). I haven’t had QT with Jessie, just us, since I used to help her carbo-load before her marathons (even though I didn’t run). She has since tore her ACL , and I hardly eat carbs now after the incident πŸ˜…

We were talking about what our walk-up song would be. Mine would probably be something Young the Giant LOL and my brother-in-law said his walk-up song would be “Send My Love” by Born Jamericans 🀣

padres lexus club

Our seats had access to the Lexus Club, so we watched the majority of the game from there while we chowed down on Hodad’s and got more drinks from the private bar. I can’t ever go back to regular seats again! πŸ˜…

To top it off, our uber driver home drove a Tesla. It was my first time riding in one, and the ride was so smooth!

Happee Birthdae, Harry.
Monday, July 31, 2023

happee birthdae harry potter cake

Partly because it’s Harry Potter’s birthday, but mostly because I wanted some chocolate cake πŸ˜†

Harry Potter x Padres.
Sunday, June 25, 2023

padres harry potter theme night

padres harry potter theme night

padres harry potter theme night

padres harry potter theme night

Harry Potter Night (@ Petco Park)

I went to a Padres game with these potterheads and all I got was a Hufflepuff hat (and garlic fries from Gaglione Brothers. And a cheeseburger from Hodad’s. Ok, and a churro from Lane’s Lemonade Stand. No ballpark beers, though, because the last time I mixed alcohol with my meds, I was sloppy as fuck!).

padres harry potter theme night

The theme giveaway line was 45 minutes long, and we overheard this guy tell his girl, “I love you, but I’m not waiting in this line” LOL. Also, we picked up 3 hats first since the 4th person wasn’t at the game yet, so Pammie asks the giveaway dude for Gryffindor, Slytherin and Hufflepuff, and he starts reaching for a blue hat looking at her for confirmation, and Pammie was like, “Boy, that’s Ravenclaw!” 🀣

padres harry potter theme night

The “paw squad” is my new favorite part of being at Petco 🐾

40 Years of Mischief Managed.
Sunday, December 20, 2020

harry potter birthday cart

Pammie’s quarantine birthday was magical as hell.

Mischief Managed.
Friday, April 1, 2016

wizarding world of harry potter - universal studios hollywood - butterbeer

Casting charms with these clowns (@ Universal Studios Hollywood)

Wizarding World of Harry Potter officially opens next week, but Pammie, Shi and I were able to attend a sneak preview. I’ve only seen a few of the movies, but I went partly because two of my favorite Potterheads were in town, and mostly because I was promised butterbeer. Shit was magical. Check it out if you’re in LA with $115 to spare.

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