» Dallas.
Posted on November 10th, 2011 in concerts, music, videos

So please don’t come to me on my dying day
Just let me go in peace
With all the things that I forgot to say
Racing through my mind

Sold out City and Colour show with Jessie and the hipsters last night! Is it just me, or does Dallas Green’s voice fix things in the universe?


  1. jessie was all like...

    He sure does make everything better Mayan! His voice is the completion of many duos: it’s the fortune in my cookie, the Rock in my Roll, the Pow in my Wow, the Zig in my Zag! HAHHA!! and the facial hair he’s growing out for Movember just makes him more d’lish! Another fantastic time with you love!

    November 10th, 2011 | #

  2. mayan was all like...

    dallas puts the boo in my berry!!!
    can’t wait for the next show 🙂
    YTG, here we come!

    November 10th, 2011 | #

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