These past couple of days have been so fun, even though I was (and still am) pretty damn sick. Monday was a holiday, so my sister, Jay, Jed, Edgar, Gerald, Chris, Brad and I went snowboarding at Mountain High. Even though it was my second time going, I was fucking TERRIFIED… probably more terrified that I was when I first went snowboarding. I think I was just remembering how bad it hurt when I fell down repeatedly.. The first hour I was really frustrated because all these tiny kids were passing me up haha. Chris said the only way for me to learn was to follow the boys on the big slopes… so I took lift #2 and prepared to tackle ROADRUNNER… Gerald and Chris were with me every step of the way, and I seriously couldn’t have gone down that mountain without them. I tried going down a second time with just Edgar and my ass was so scared. I couldn’t do it without Gerald and Chris. I wasn’t ready yet… maybe next time I can do it by myself! Afterwards, I kept Jay and his twisted knee company in the cafe while the boys went down the crazy ass slopes. On our way home, we stopped at Fridays and had dinner with Carmina and Scott. I got home around 10:30 and went right to bed. That’s the earliest I’ve slept in a really long time. Being sick just sucks the life out of you…
Last night was fucking AWESOME!!! My sister, Chel, Alvin, Sheena, Michelle, Edgar, Gerald, Jay, Jed and I went to see the Meteora tour at SDSU. Linkin Park and Hoobastank are two out of my top three bands in the universe, so I knew it was going to be a dope ass show. Story of the Year opened, and they rocked even though I didn’t know the words to any of their songs. They covered Enter the Sandman which I loved. Hoobastank was next and they fucking ROCKED! It was my fourth time seeing them live, and they just keep getting better and better. They sang The Reason and I think my heart stopped beating for a second… Most of the songs they played were from their previous album, and they even covered Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Can Doug Robb just have my children already??? P.O.D. played afterwards, and I only knew the lyrics to a few of their songs… They’re from SD though, so you gotta have love for them. Linkin Park headlined, and I went nuts! OMG OMG OMG. I have been waiting since 2000 to see Linkin Park live… They were WELL worth the wait! The played a lot of songs from their old album, too. They ended the night with One Step Closer and Doug from Hoobastank and Sonny from P.O.D. came out to finish the song. I’ve been to a shitload of rock shows these past few years, and this one was by far the BEST.